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    Biennial that is usually grown as an annual. We have found that this parsley dies back in the winter but new leaves emerge before the snow melts.  Deeply cut bright green leaves.  Italian parsley is reputed to have better flavor than the many curled varieties. Holds flavour when dried. Height 30-60 cm    
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    Leafy herb with bold celery flavor. Easier to grow than standard celery. A versatile ingredient for salads, soups, stews, and vegetable medleys. More intense flavour (both fresh and dried) than garden celery.

  • Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm blooms in a nice range of colours -apricot, cream, orange and yellow. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for it's culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
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    Mid-season variety. Growing period 130-140 days. Bush height 35-55 cm. The fruits are conical, smooth, red, weigh 50-70 grams, very fragrant. Flesh firm, spicy taste. Used for conservation and consumption in fresh and dried form.
  • Perennial under-utilized clumping clover with huge reddish-purple plumes to 18 inches tall. Most ornamental of all the clovers, it works for a cut flower, too.
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    This prolific, trailing plant will travel great lengths. Train vertically by tying it to something. Use it in a hanging planter for dramatic effect, wrap it around a fence or archway, or let it tumble over a retaining wall. Tall Single Mix nasturtium seeds provide a wondrous assortment of lively classic nasturtium colours. Plant in full sun or partial shade - in shade it will produce even longer vines and larger leaves. This variety is excellent for filling in empty spots in the garden. The flowers are edible and the plants are drought tolerant so they're suitable for xeriscaping. Vines will grow as much as 3m (10').
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    Perennial spicy flavoring plant. The leaves are thin, oblong, strongly serrated with walnut-mustard flavor. The period from germination to collect leaves is 20-25 days. Grown by sowing seeds in open ground. In the cooler months in full sun, and in the summer - in light shade. With regular watering the leaves become more tender and less taste bitter. Cutting is best done before flowering. Young, tender leaves are used in salads and as a garnish for sharp meat and fish dishes.  Fresh leaves can be continuously harvested for various salads and yogurt dips.

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    A stellar bulbing Florence fennel with an excellent sweet anise-like flavor that mellows with cooking.  Selma Fino is usually the sweetest tasting. Takes about 80 days to form full-sized bulbs, however, it can be harvested sooner at a smaller size. Very white bulbs are fairly uniform and won’t prematurely bolt if planted in spring. Tops can be used as a fresh herb, adding a mellow fennel flavor to dishes or salads. Unique compared to other bulb type fennel, some plants have a perennial nature. The flowers are highly attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. Fennel leaves, florets, and seeds can be used for culinary purposes as an herb.

  • Annual, climbing, fast-growing. Stems reach a length of 2.5-3 m. Flowers funnel, 5-6 cm in diameter, open in sunny weather. Blooms from July to October. Plant light-, heat-and water-loving. Used for vertical balconies, terraces, and green fences. Can be grown as a basket plant in containers. Decorate any corner of the garden.    
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    This perennial wildflower attracts butterflies with its tiny, pink, bell-shaped blossoms that form a globe at the top of the stem. Not only are the flowers pretty, the onion-flavored leaves and flowers are also edible, and may also be used in salads or as a garnish.
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    Uniform-sized, lemon-yellow flowers are held on plants growing to 60 cm tall. Incredibly prolific!  
  • A small 15 cm biennial with azure blue flowers that can re-seed itself.
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    The perfect tomato plant for Calgary! This early maturing plant produces high yields of 280-450 gram deep red tomatoes which are 10-15 cm in diameter. They are sweet and flavorful. Perfect for salads, sandwiches, and canning. Plants will yield well even in cool weather. Cold tolerant. It is parthenocarpic, meaning it can set tomatoes without pollination. An excellent choice for home gardens. A variety developed in 1994 by Dr. James Baggett of Oregon State University, Oregon, USA. Disease Resistant: V, F. Determinate. Grown Organically. Start indoors, great for the greenhouse, and outdoor growing. Plants grow to 1-1.2 M  tall.
  • A compact Morning Glory type plant, covered with flowers. The blooms are a striking navy blue with yellow and white centres. Blooms intensify as days get shorter.  Use this 30 cm variety in containers or along borders.Carming 5 cm blooms that face upwards.  
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    Perennial cousin to summer savory, with thicker and shinier leaves. The flavour is more pungent and biting. Has a higher proportion of thymol than summer savory. This herb is great for culinary uses, however, just as important is its use to attract bees while repelling aphids, and cabbage moths.

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    The preferred culinary variety. This parsley is great for so many cooked dishes when a deep true parsley flavour is preferred. The best parsley to dry or freeze. Huge, dark green leaves with great flavor. Strong, upright stems make Giant of Italy one of the best parsley varieties for fresh market sales. Very high yielding. Height 45-60 cm

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    Bachelor's Button or Cornflower-It's hard to beat the colours of the bachelor's button. It got the name "cornflower" because it grew as a weed in cornfields, but you may welcome it in your garden. It does spread, but it is easy to pull out any extras. This tall 90 cm mix comes in the colours of purple, blue, pink and white provide papery blossoms that bring summer colour to the garden.  They're attractive planted in a group in a corner or open spot in the garden. Deadhead regularly to prolong blooming. Plant periodically over spring to prolong bloom times.  
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    Purple coneflowers are found in many flower gardens. Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) in the garden or flower bed draws bees and butterflies, ensuring that nearby plants have plenty of pollinators. The plant also provides a tall background or repeating rows of large (often 6 inches across) purple, daisy-like flowers. The sturdy stalks, which may reach 5 feet in height, rarely bend or require staking for an upright appearance. Coneflower plants may actually display pink flowers, when the cultivar Echinacea purpurea ‘Pink Double Delight’ is planted.
  • Chabauds Giant Carnation is a half-hardy biennial prized for its long bloom season. Large flowers with lovely spicy, clove-like fragrance bloom in many shades of crimson, red, rose, pink, yellow, and white. Carnations grown in groups make a striking attraction in gardens. For early blooms, start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost.  Thin or transplant when 15-25 cm tall. This tender perennial can overwinter in milder climates. To overwinter in Zone 3b to 4a cover with a thick layer of mulch but remove mulch in early spring. One of the garden favourites-Chabauds Giant Carnation does not readily self-sow. Harvest early spent blossom head by cutting stem near the ground and hang dry with a paper bag tied around the stem to catch seeds that may drop.
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    Tiny blue flowers are an iconic addition to any garden. Although not a ‘true’ forget-me-not, this species has very similar flowers. This easy-to-grow annual blooms just weeks after planting and grows in almost any sunny spot. Chinese Forget-Me-Not attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden and makes for gorgeous cut flowers.  Self-seeding annual.
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    Five spot wildflowers are named for their distinct flowers: 2.5 cm light blue on white blossoms of five petals, each of which is tipped with a vivid, deep purple spot. They are reasonably compact plants that grow to 30 cm high and 20 cm wide and do not spread over the course of the summer. They prefer cool climates, germinating best in soil temperatures of 13-18 C. Perfect for cool springs. They should be able to survive if given lots of shade. They are annuals, and they’ll die back with the first frost. If allowed to die back naturally they reseeds and you will have new plants next year. They bloom consistently and impressively all spring long.
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    A herb, not a vegetable though related to the onion. This flat-leaf variety of Garlic Chives seeds has a strong garlic flavour and aroma.  A welcome palatable alternative to those who like garlic to accompany cheese and soups. Recognized to be an excellent attractant and nectar source for bees and other beneficial insects. Use this herb as companion plants to repel aphids from flowers or vegetables prone to attack. Also called Chinese chives.  
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    Astro Arugula-Certified Organic Sold as .50 grams which are approximately 250 seeds Grows in 21 days and matures in 40 days Both heat and cold tolerant. Astro is often considered the best of all Arugula Varieties.

    Mustard and Cabbage Family (BRASSICACEAE)

    Germinates quickly and tolerates cold and hot temperatures well.  Performs well as a cut-and-come-again crop. Certified organic, Good cool weather growth, Great for containers, Open-pollinated Astro is perfect for baby greens in early spring and fall.  Baby greens are ready to cut in only 21 days. Arugula is very well suited to micro-green growth. With a nutty, spicy taste that is sometimes pungent or peppery, arugula really perks up salads,  sandwiches, and even dishes like quiche, soups, or pizza. It is very cold hardy and has a milder flavor when grown in cool weather.        
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