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    47 days Extra early, tender and sweet. The traditional Dutch variety. Norli is the earliest snow pea we know and is one of the sweetest, tenderest varieties available. Produces 5 cm, dark green, slender pods on short vines. Known as Pelja in Europe.
  • Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm blooms in a nice range of colours -apricot, cream, orange and yellow. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for its culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
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    Annual-75 cm Lemon Mint. Used for flavouring teas, in salads, and attracting insects. Has lavender-pink flowers in whorls on spikes and lemon-scented leaves. Grows in sun or part shade. Lemon Bergamot has a wonderful taste and lemony aroma, but it is usually grown as an ornamental or for its cut flowers. Lemon Bergamot seeds are easily started and produce knee-high plants with masses of tiered pink and purple blossoms from August until frost. Lemon bergamot can self-sow, and its seeds are easy to collect for seed saving. The flower stems are very attractive in bouquets as cut flowers, and the dry well. The dried flowers can be used in tea.
  • Biennial flowering plant, grows 15-25 cm tall. Large, yellow flowers, diameter 6-7 cm with dark spots. Blooms in the second year from spring to autumn. Use for flower beds, curbs, balconies and window boxes..  
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    One of the most popular bell peppers, California Wonder bears blocky, green peppers that can grow to 10x10 cm. Very crisp, crunchy, with the classic sweet bell pepper flavor. Fruits are usually used when green but will ripen to red. Plants tend to bear over a long season, resulting in harvests throughout the summer. 75 days.
  • Annual, with densely branched stems,  which grow 80-100cm (30-40in.) tall. Large pink flowers diameter 7-10cm (3-4in.) with contrasting pink and cherry-colored edges. Blooms from mid-June to frost. Cold and relative drought resistant. Use for flowerbeds, borders, and cutting. 0.5g approx. 100 seeds.
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    Tolerates light frost grows to 30-40 cm. Very, dark green, moss-curled variety. Productive for year-round growing in the field or greenhouse. Improved Forest Green type with a higher percentage of triple curled leaves on tall strong stems – perfect for bunching. Resists yellowing allowing for prolonged harvests.    
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    Grows to approximately 20-70 cm tall and wide, with purple lavender flowers. The plant flowers in late spring or summer. The leaves are oblong, ranging in size up to 2.5 in (6.4 cm) long by 1 in (2.5 cm) wide. . Seeds are sown in open ground in spring, may also before winter. Fresh leaves are used as a seasoning for meat dishes, soups. Sage leaves collected in June - August, starting from the second year of culture.

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    Pepper flavor adds spice to dishes. Long internodes create a tall, somewhat lanky plant. Harvest when buds begin and hang to dry. If you don't have Summer Savory in your garden it's a great time to give it a try. Excellent for all your hearty stews and soups. It's one of our favourite "go to" herbs.

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    The broad, frilly, purple leaves grow on 60-90 cm tall, upright stalks. Red color on a blue-green background.  Great for baby leaf and bunching. Scarlet has great flavour either as baby leaf or mature kale, and the flavour improves after frost. This kale is a must in an organic garden and is highly decorative in salads and stir-fries. Plant Scarlet kale in cow pots 4-6 weeks before the last frost, direct sow in early spring, and in mid-July for a fall crop. Scarlet Kale can grow 60-90 cm high. Boiling kale loses much of the nutritious properties while steaming and microwaving keep more cancer-fighting properties.

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    Annual Height 120 cm. Dark green glossy leaves can be used as a micro salad green or seasoning. Has strong licorice-mint flavour. Bees are attracted to the blue-mauve flowers.
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    55 days The earliest garden pea. Developed for first seedings. Produces a concentrated set of peas earlier than any other variety we know of. Blunt-ended, 7 cm pods hold 7-8 medium-large dark green peas. 55 cm dark green vines do not require trellising. Best in cool conditions.
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    58 days Early Freezeris a heavy producer and tolerates heat stress. Fresh and tender peas with plenty of sweetness. Cool-season vigour and superb heat tolerance. Double pod set of 7 cm pods containing 7-8 large dark green peas. Very healthy, disease-resistant, 50 cm vines. Excellent for freezing.
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    Anise is always grown in our gardens, they not only have attractive foliage but their seeds are harvested in our kitchens for soups, spreads, salad dressings, cakes, and cookies. Seeds and leaves carry a sweet, licorice-like flavor, make a comforting tea, or a tasty breath freshener. Many use Anise as a treatment for sore throats, indigestion, and flatulence.  Anise essential oil is used to flavor licorice candy. Try the feathery leaves fresh in salads and soups. Umbrella-like clusters of tiny white flowers bloom in July, attract butterflies, bees, and beneficial insects. Seed heads attract birds.
  • Double flowers with a silky appearance in shades of pink, white, red, rose, and salmon on 80 cm stems. Strong plants perform well in the heat and drought even though they are considered a cool-season plant. Sow Shirley Double Mix poppy seeds at two-week intervals from late February to mid-April for flowers from mid- to late summer. These poppies will self-sow, and they look spectacular in mass plantings. The flowers have a very delicate appearance, but the plants are actually quite tough. For cut flowers use a candle to sear the stem ends to help them last several days. Rely on Shirley Double to self-sow without becoming weedy.  
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    Spearmint came to North America with the Colonists. They used mint teas medicinally for headaches, indigestion and to help them sleep. Mint is also an excellent culinary addition and makes a great tea for the pure pleasure of it. As a general rule, mint family plants root vigorously when allowed to grow freely and can be invasive. Many gardeners grow them in containers to keep them in check.
  • Perennial flowering plant grows 90-100 cm tall. Large, white flowers, diameter 10-12 cm. Blooms in the second year from July to September and grows 5-6 years at the same place.
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    Summer Thyme-30 cm. Thym de Provence Grey-green fine foliage with superb flavour. Needs winter protection, or treat it as an annual.

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    The Original Dutch variety used for Boerenkool. Fine, curled, medium-green leaves on 100 cm plants. Widely used variety in Europe. Excellent taste. Can be grown as a baby leaf.

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    Old fashioned heirloom variety from Italy. Long, dark green, blistered leaves grow from the centre of each plant. Tolerant to hot and cold weather. Popular in the bunching and baby leaf market. Excellent in kale soups. Also known as dinosaur kale, strap kale, and black kale.

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    Green ruffled leaf for baby greens. Vates has a nice medium-dark green leaf with just enough curl to give loft in baby green mixes. Dark blue-green leaves

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    Thyme seeds produce a tasty herb that compliments poultry and other meat dishes and is used extensively in stews, sauces, and marinades. Thyme grows relatively slowly at first but once established, it grows with vigour! This variety of thyme is relatively low growing at 15-30 cm in height.

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    Thyme seeds produce a tasty herb that compliments poultry and other meat dishes and is used extensively in stews, sauces, and marinades. Thyme grows relatively slowly at first but once established, it grows with vigour! This variety of thyme is relatively low growing at 15-30 cm in height.

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    100 Seeds Sow Chives Organic seeds at any time of year. Hardy, perennial, and easy to grow, the chopped stems and pink flowers add a fresh, mild green onion flavour to sandwiches, salads, and baked potatoes. Clumps can be divided in spring or fall. If grown in containers, divide frequently enough to provide for constant lateral growth. Chives are surprisingly hardy and can be harvested all winter if given some protection from extreme cold. They are also quite drought tolerant, so they’re good candidates for xeriscaping. The edible flowers are highly attractive to bumblebees, hoverflies, and other beneficial garden insects. Perennial
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