• One of the best extra large flowers in a blend of deep rose, salmon, cream, pink, scarlet, white, mid blue, and crimson. Sow Mammoth Blend sweet pea seeds for the earliest sweet peas to bloom from late spring to early summer. Direct sow sweet pea seeds at three-week intervals for an extended bloom period. They have very large flowers on long stems, so they're a great cut flower. Their scent is more subdued than other sweet pea varieties.
  • Use seeds, leaves, and flowers. Bright, sunny colors: yellow, pink, red, and orange. The edible flowers are popular for salads and as a garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful. A colourful garden favorite. Flowers all summer long. Keep watered during dry weather, and do not fertilize. Excellent in window boxes, hanging baskets, or raised beds. Suitable for xeriscaping
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    Specialty culinary herb. Young leaves taste like celery and are used in spring salads and with potato, rice, and poultry dishes. Roots and young stems are also edible. Young stems can be cut, peeled, and used in salads. Stems are smooth, hollow, and thick. Attracts Beneficial Insects: If allowed to flower, provides pollen and nectar for beneficial insects such as bees, hoverflies, lacewing larva, lady beetles, parasitic wasps, and tachinid flies.

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    Anise is always grown in our gardens, they not only have attractive foliage but their seeds are harvested in our kitchens for soups, spreads, salad dressings, cakes, and cookies. Seeds and leaves carry a sweet, licorice-like flavor, make a comforting tea, or a tasty breath freshener. Many use Anise as a treatment for sore throats, indigestion, and flatulence.  Anise essential oil is used to flavor licorice candy. Try the feathery leaves fresh in salads and soups. Umbrella-like clusters of tiny white flowers bloom in July, attract butterflies, bees, and beneficial insects. Seed heads attract birds.
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    Certified Organic. Sweet peas inside big, sweet pods combine for a delicious flavor treat. High yields of large, medium-green, flat pods follow white-flowered vines. High resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1, pea enation mosaic virus, and powdery mildew. Eat fresh, add to salads or use in a stir fry.
  • Stunning, brightly-colored spikes create a strong feature in the early summer garden. Its pea-like flowers grow in dense spires. Scatter through cottage or wildflower gardens or mass plant in the border. Purple, deep blue, red, pink, yellow, cream, and white. Lupins prefer a full sun position but will also grow well in semi-shade, they do not grow well in full shade. They grow well in a wide variety of soil conditions although chalky and/or waterlogged soil will be a problem if not improved before planting. If the ground is clay, lots of compost dug into the planting area will greatly increase their chances of surviving winters. Once your Lupins start to flower create new plants if you want more of a certain colour, gently separate the little offset at the base of a mature plant and replant it.
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    Dating back to 1885, this heirloom wins most flavour contests. Brandywine, which dates back to 1885, is the heirloom tomato standard. The large, beefsteak-shaped fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set one or two per cluster and ripen late-and are worth the wait. Brandywine's qualities really shine when it develops an incredibly fine, sweet flavor. It a massive tomato and the vines are massive too. Tall sturdy stalks are necessary for these plants.

  • Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm blooms in a nice range of colours -apricot, cream, orange and yellow. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for it's culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
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    Late, high-yielding heirloom variety for open ground and greenhouses. Indeterminate tomato, the plant grows more than 200 cm (80 in.) high.  Truly a unique black Russian tomato of Siberian origin. (Similar to Japanese Black Trifele.) Black Pear organic heirloom tomato seeds produce big, indeterminate, potato-leaf plants that yield plentiful crops of 75-80 gram fruits on dark, mahogany-brown tomatoes with dark green shoulders. Fruits are shaped like miniature pears and are loaded with excellent, complex, sweet, well-balanced flavors. These are not only very decorative but a perfect choice for cutting up into salads or used in a tomato sauce. A good, dependable, cooler climate variety. Disease resistant.

  • This prolific, trailing plant will travel great lengths. Train vertically by tying it to something. Use it in a hanging planter for dramatic effect, wrap it around a fence or archway, or let it tumble over a retaining wall. Tall Single Mix nasturtium seeds provide a wondrous assortment of lively classic nasturtium colours. Plant in full sun or partial shade - in shade it will produce even longer vines and larger leaves. This variety is excellent for filling in empty spots in the garden. The flowers are edible and the plants are drought tolerant so they're suitable for xeriscaping. Vines will grow as much as 3m (10').
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    Plant High Scent sweet pea seeds for incredibly luxurious floral fragrance. This variety has large, pure white flowers that blush at the edges. The vines are tall at 120cm (48"), and the stems are long, making them superb and elegant cut flowers. "High Scent" is no exaggeration - these are the sweet peas to grow for their intense perfume. Try them on a trellis or as a screen to break up garden spaces. It's easiest just to direct sow the seeds in early spring and erect a trellis or support once the seedlings are 15cm (6") tall. Keep the vines clear of spent flowers to prolong the bloom period.
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    Green Arrow shelling pea seeds. These are excellent for fresh eating, freezing, canning, or cooking. Born in pairs at the top of the short bush are heavy yields of dark green pods to 11cm (4.5") containing 9 to 11 peas each. The peas themselves are tender and sweet and the 70cm (28") plants are resistant to enation, Fusarium wilt, root rot, Leaf Curl virus (LCV), and downy mildew, so they are ideal for coastal gardens. Green Arrow shelling pea seeds were first bred in England as a main season pea crop, and are listed in some UK sources as Green Shaft.
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