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    Single daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, or white completely cover the 75 cm high bushy plants from May through June. Gorgeous spring and summer colour in sun or partial shade. Invaluable for cutting, cut as soon as colour shows. If cutting for dried flowers harvest immediately after bloom opens.  Avoid high fertility. Moist, well-drained soil is best–try raised beds or containers if your soil is heavy. Hardy to Zone 5 with protection. These daisies often self-seed and  interestingly, direct sown or self-sown established plants are hardier than transplants.
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    Purple coneflowers are found in many flower gardens. Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) in the garden or flower bed draws bees and butterflies, ensuring that nearby plants have plenty of pollinators. The plant also provides a tall background or repeating rows of large (often 6 inches across) purple, daisy-like flowers. The sturdy stalks, which may reach 5 feet in height, rarely bend or require staking for an upright appearance. Coneflower plants may actually display pink flowers, when the cultivar Echinacea purpurea ‘Pink Double Delight’ is planted.
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    Beautiful pastel columbine seeds approximately 100 count. Learn: How to grow Columbine plants      
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    a.k.a Pincushion Flower

    Elegant and uniform cut flower.

    1 1/2–2 1/2", lavender-blue flowers stand tall on strong, slender stems. A dramatic addition to any bouquet or garden. Also known as mourning bride
    Matures in 90-100 days Package contains: 50 Seeds  
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    Sunflower ‘Teddy Bear’ is a short, bushy plant with fluffy, golden-yellow blooms that appear from mid-summer to the first frost in autumn. The mature size of Teddy Bear sunflower plants is 4 to 5 feet (1.4 m.). Growing Teddy Bear sunflowers by seed isn’t complicated. The most important thing is to plant seeds where your Teddy Bear sunflower plants will be exposed to full sunlight. Well-drained soil is also an absolute requirement for any type of sunflower. Plant Teddy Bear sunflower seeds after you’re sure all danger of frost has passed. Prepare the soil prior to planting sunflowers by digging a generous amount of compost, well-rotted manure, or other organic matter into the top 15-20 cm of soil. Sow seeds in groups of three, at a depth of ½ inch. Thin the plants to a distance of 40-60 cm when the true leaves appear. Water as needed to keep the soil moist, but not drenched, until your sunflower ‘Teddy Bear’ plants are established Sunflower seeds should be direct sown in the garden. If starting 3-4 weeks early plant in large cow pots so roots are not disturbed when transplanting into the garden.
  • Chabauds Giant Carnation is a half-hardy biennial prized for its long bloom season. Large flowers with lovely spicy, clove-like fragrance bloom in many shades of crimson, red, rose, pink, yellow, and white. Carnations grown in groups make a striking attraction in gardens. For early blooms, start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost.  Thin or transplant when 15-25 cm tall. This tender perennial can overwinter in milder climates. To overwinter in Zone 3b to 4a cover with a thick layer of mulch but remove mulch in early spring. One of the garden favourites-Chabauds Giant Carnation does not readily self-sow. Harvest early spent blossom head by cutting stem near the ground and hang dry with a paper bag tied around the stem to catch seeds that may drop.
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    Flanders Field Poppy Seeds is an Heirloom Flower. These very symbolic WWI flowers were the common field poppies of Europe. The brilliant crimson, single red blooms with black centres that are long-blooming and very pretty in the garden. These poppies will reseed themselves and can naturalize in your garden. Plants grow to 45 cm (18″) tall in the garden.

    How to Grow

    Sow directly outdoors for the best results. Select a sunny site with well-drained soil. Barely cover the seed with soil and keep moist through the 5-10 day germination period. Enjoys full sun to partial shade location.
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