• The perennial flowering plant grows up to 20-40 cm in height. Small, yellow flowers are collected in dense inflorescences. Blooms in the second year from April until July. Drought-resistant. Use for borders and alpine slides.  
  • Perennial flowering plant cultivated as annual, growth up to 60cm. Fragrant, funnel-shaped flowers, 2-3 cm diameter, white, pink, red, or yellow. The flowers are covered with specks and spots in cherry-red and pink colors. Blooms from July until frost.
  • Perennial flowering plant grows with erect stems 60-90 cm tall. Small, lilac-purple flowers, diameter 1.5-2 cm with a very pleasant aroma. Grows well in sunny areas and partial shade.
  • One of the latest blooming wildflowers in the Northwest. Rising up to 3 or 4 feet in height with purple/blue/white flowers, this hardy plant adapts to an incredible range of conditions. We find it on windswept and salt-sprayed coastal bluffs, in damp forest clearings along pristine trout streams, and growing out of pavement cracks in the economy parking lot of the airport. In our experience, about the only thing this adaptable plant doesn't stand up to is constant rabbit browsing.
  • An annual plant, 80-120 cm in height. Flowers of red color, 2-3 cm in diameter. They are grown by sowing seeds in open ground in May or towards winter, seeds are sown for seedlings in March. It grows better in areas protected from the wind. Blooms profusely, from June to September. Used in mixed flower beds, group plantings, and for cutting.
  • Showy blooms feature distinctive, curly petals and beautiful, rich colors. Shaggy, long-stemmed flowers are borne on sturdy, wilt-resistant plants.
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    Uniform-sized, lemon-yellow flowers are held on plants growing to 60 cm tall. Incredibly prolific!  
  • Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm blooms in a nice range of colours -apricot, cream, orange and yellow. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for its culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
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    This annual flowering flax grows to only 50cm (20") tall, with cup-shaped flowers appearing in red, white, salmon, and lilac throughout the season. The real trick with Linum is to direct sow the seeds multiple times for an extended bloom period. Sow Linum Charmer Mix at two week intervals from mid-March to the end of May for a full summer of brightly coloured flowers. This mix looks great in containers, but even better in mass plantings. Linum grandiflorum is native to Algeria and some other parts of north Africa, and is relatively drought resistant. Water regularly if growing in containers.
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    Plant High Scent sweet pea seeds for incredibly luxurious floral fragrance. This variety has large, pure white flowers that blush at the edges. The vines are tall at 120cm (48"), and the stems are long, making them superb and elegant cut flowers. "High Scent" is no exaggeration - these are the sweet peas to grow for their intense perfume. Try them on a trellis or as a screen to break up garden spaces. It's easiest just to direct sow the seeds in early spring and erect a trellis or support once the seedlings are 15cm (6") tall. Keep the vines clear of spent flowers to prolong the bloom period.
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    This prolific, trailing plant will travel great lengths. Train vertically by tying it to something. Use it in a hanging planter for dramatic effect, wrap it around a fence or archway, or let it tumble over a retaining wall. Tall Single Mix nasturtium seeds provide a wondrous assortment of lively classic nasturtium colours. Plant in full sun or partial shade - in shade it will produce even longer vines and larger leaves. This variety is excellent for filling in empty spots in the garden. The flowers are edible and the plants are drought tolerant so they're suitable for xeriscaping. Vines will grow as much as 3m (10').
  • This prolific, trailing plant will travel great lengths. Train vertically by tying it to something. Use it in a hanging planter for dramatic effect, wrap it around a fence or archway, or let it tumble over a retaining wall. Tall Single Mix nasturtium seeds provide a wondrous assortment of lively classic nasturtium colours. Plant in full sun or partial shade - in shade it will produce even longer vines and larger leaves. This variety is excellent for filling in empty spots in the garden. The flowers are edible and the plants are drought tolerant so they're suitable for xeriscaping. Vines will grow as much as 3m (10').
  • The Evening Scented Stock requested by a number of our customers. Provides airy sprays of pastel pink, lavender, yellow and white sweetly scented flowers for sunny or partial shade gardens. Tolerates cool fall temperatures. Annual | Ht. 60cm
  • A small 15 cm biennial with azure blue flowers that can re-seed itself.
  • Use seeds, leaves, and flowers. Bright, sunny colors: yellow, pink, red, and orange. The edible flowers are popular for salads and as a garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful. A colourful garden favorite. Flowers all summer long. Keep watered during dry weather, and do not fertilize. Excellent in window boxes, hanging baskets, or raised beds. Suitable for xeriscaping
  • Calendula are actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm blooms in a nice range of colours -apricot, cream, orange and yellow. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 45 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for it's culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
  • Growing quickly and easily from seed, this gorgeous and unique annual is just begging to be part of your cutting garden this year! Showy blooms are either red or blue-ringed in white, making them impossible to ignore. Petals are densely packed onto flower heads, making them long-lasting as cut flowers. (Pompon type)
  • Enormous flowers reach 15 cm across. Each one is intricately crinkled and feathered or frilled, of unbelievably vivid scarlet, and at the center of each is a large, snow-white cross. The variety does indeed resemble the national flag of Denmark, which consists of a white cross on a scarlet field. Flowers attain a height of about 75 cm. Breathtaking in mass plantings! Use candlestick to seal stems when using for cut flowers to help cut blooms last longer.
  • Nigella hispanica ‘Midnight’-African Bride Nigella seeds are also known as Love-in-a-Mist. Its delicate appearance belies its hardy, dependable nature. Each flower emerges from a tangle of lacy foliage.  After blooming, curious-looking fruits ripen, dry, and eventually release seeds for the next season. These distinctive seed heads can be dried for flower arrangements. Everlasting flowers are grown especially for its spiky decorative seed pods. Germinates 10–14 days at 18° C. Grow on at 18-22 C. Set transplants 15-20 cm apart. For continuous bloom, direct seed weekly until June. Nigella grows 20–50cm tall.

  • Use seeds, leaves, and flowers. Bright, sunny colors: yellow, pink, red, and orange. The edible flowers are popular for salads and as a garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful. A colourful garden favorite. Flowers all summer long. Keep watered during dry weather, and do not fertilize. Excellent in window boxes, hanging baskets, or raised beds. Suitable for xeriscaping
  • One of the best extra large flowers in a blend of deep rose, salmon, cream, pink, scarlet, white, mid blue, and crimson. Sow Mammoth Blend sweet pea seeds for the earliest sweet peas to bloom from late spring to early summer. Direct sow sweet pea seeds at three-week intervals for an extended bloom period. They have very large flowers on long stems, so they're a great cut flower. Their scent is more subdued than other sweet pea varieties.
  • Bachelor Buttons also known as Cornflowers bloom in 8-10 weeks and prefer cool temperatures. The flowers are fantastic pinks, whites, reds, and blues. A common wildflower species, they are drought and deer resistant and make wonderful cut and dried flowers.  Attractive to butterflies.
  • Scabiosa Imperial Mix seeds are also known as the Pincushion Flower. Fully double flowers in rose, pink, purple, lavender, maroon, and white. Flowers are 8cm across and almost ball-shaped, appearing from mid-summer to frost. Start indoors 4-5 weeks before last frost, or direct sow outdoors in autumn. This giant mix has a plant height of 78-104cm. Scabiosa flowers are unusually generous with nectar.  Bring some cut flowers indoors and enjoy their fragrant scent in flower arrangements.  
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