• Annual flowering plant with erect stems grows up to 100 cm  tall. Large yellow, orange, red, pink, salmon and white flowers, diameter 4-7 cm Excellent for cuttings and drying.
  • Annual flowering plant grows in an erect bush, 30-50 cm tall. Regular shaped, white flowers, diameter 3-5 cm with a red spot in center are collected in loose inflorescences. Blooms from June to September. Use for flowerbeds and borders.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 15cm (6in) tall. Fluffy flowers in different colors covering the entire plant. Blooms profusely and continuously 60-70 days after germination. Grows outdoor as well as indoor.
  • Annual flowering plant growth up to 75 cm blooms in June with beautiful, purple flowers, followed by showy, light brown, translucent, disc-shaped seedpods the skin of which falls off to release the seeds, revealing a central membrane which is white with a silvery sheen, 3–8 cm in diameter; they persist on the plant through winter. These pods are often used in floral arrangements AKA-Money plant, honesty annual, Lunaria, sliver dollar, moonwort, dollar plant
  • Livingstone daisies have flat, succulent leaves up to 10 cm long, with the plants hugging the ground. Flowers have dark centers and are colored pink, white, purple, lavender, crimson, or orange. Plants grow up to 20 cm high and spread to 30 cm wide. The flowers close at night and on cloudy days. Extremely drought and heat-tolerant. Propagating Livingstone daisy: By seed. Sow seeds indoors 10 weeks prior to the last frost date. Seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days at 16 C In frost-free locations, they can be seeded directly into the garden and thinned to the proper spacing. They will reseed, although the colours will not be the same in following years. Uses for Livingstone daisy: These are ideal plants for mass plantings. They're wonderful sunny ground covers. Plant them in rock gardens; they are especially beautiful on slopes and hillsides. They're among the best plants for seaside locations.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 80 cm tall. Light-loving, quite drought-resistant, blooms from June to the first frost. Use for flower gardens, cuttings as well as indoor in pots.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 60 cm tall. Large, thick, bright red inflorescences. Blooms from early July to the first frost. Suitable for indoor growing. Use for borders and cuttings.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 60 cm tall. Large, dark red inflorescences with decorative violet-red foliage. Blooms from early July to the first frost. Suitable for indoor growing. Use for borders and cuttings.
  • Annual flowering plant with erect stems grows up to 50-65 cm in height. Blooms in bright colors, yellow, red, orange, or pink from July until Frost. Prefers sunny, wind-protected places. Celosia flowers also look great in vases and bouquets, so you can bring their beauty indoors.
  • Annual flowering plant with erect and strong stems grows up to 20-40cm height. Blooms in bright colors, yellow, orange, or red from July until Frost. Prefers sunny, wind-protected places. Celosia flowers also look great in vases and bouquets, so you can bring their beauty indoors.
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    Nigella damascena. Persian Jewels Nigella seeds are also known as Love-in-a-Mist. Its delicate appearance belies its hardy, dependable nature. Pale as a baby flower, Persian Jewel matures to intense shades of violet, blue, white, and pastels in between. Each flower emerges from a tangle of lacy foliage.  After blooming, curious-looking fruits ripen, dry, and eventually release seeds for the next season. These distinctive seed heads can be dried for flower arrangements. Everlasting flowers are grown especially for its spiky decorative seed pods. Germinates 10–14 days at 60°. Grow on at 60–65°. Set transplants 6–9" apart. For continuous bloom, direct seed weekly until June. Nigella grows 20–50cm (8–20") tall.  
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    Flanders Field Poppy Seeds is an Heirloom Flower. These very symbolic WWI flowers were the common field poppies of Europe. The brilliant crimson, single red blooms with black centres that are long-blooming and very pretty in the garden. These poppies will reseed themselves and can naturalize in your garden. Plants grow to 45 cm (18″) tall in the garden.

    How to Grow

    Sow directly outdoors for the best results. Select a sunny site with well-drained soil. Barely cover the seed with soil and keep moist through the 5-10 day germination period. Enjoys full sun to partial shade location.
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