• Zinnias add bold, vibrant color to gardens. Cut & Come Again Mix has long-stemmed flowers 6.5 cm across in a blend of pink, bright scarlet, yellow, salmon, white and more. The more you cut, the more they bloom, and they keep blooming from midsummer until frost. Heat-loving and very easy to grow. Great for cutting as well as in the garden.  
  • Like little starbursts of color in your garden, the lovely needle variety of popular Asters sure is eye-catching!  Asters cultivar with double-needle 10-12 cm (4 in) diameter, dark pink color. Up to 20 blossoms per plant. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Coreopsis is a popular perennial. Gorgeous, golden blooms illuminate the summer garden all the way into fall, creating a grand statement in almost any spot. Coreopsis is deer resistant, tolerates partial shade and delights year after year.
  • Annual, climbing, fast-growing. Stems reach a length of 2.5-3 m. Flowers funnel, 5-6 cm in diameter, open in sunny weather. Blooms from July to October. Plant light-, heat-and water-loving. Used for vertical balconies, terraces, and green fences. Can be grown as a basket plant in containers. Decorate any corner of the garden.    
  • Annual flowering Plant, grows 60-75 cm (24-30 in.) height. Large, double, carmine-red flowers, diameter up to 14 cm (5.5 in.). Use for flower beds, borders and cuttings. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Annual flowering plant, bush growth up to 60-75 cm (23-30 in.) high. Beautiful, large, carmine-red colored double flowers, diameter up to 14 cm (5.5 in.). Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Annual flowering plant grows 60-70cm (24-28in.) tall. Large, golden-yellow double flowers, diameter 14cm (5in.).
  • Annual flowering plant grows 60-75cm (23-30in.) tall. Large, terry, bright pink flowers, diameter up to 14cm (5.5in.). Blooms from early summer to fall. Use for flowerbeds, borders and cuttings.
  • Annual flowering plant, grows 70-80 cm (28-31 in.) tall. Terry, large, bright lemon, decorative flowers, diameter 10-13 cm (4-5 in.). Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Annual flowering plant, grows 70-80 cm (28-31 in.) tall. Terry, large, pink, decorative flowers, diameter 10-13 cm (4-5 in.). Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • Annual flowering plant, grows 70-80 cm (28-31 in.) tall. Terry, large, burgundy, decorative flowers, diameter 10-13 cm (4-5 in.). Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
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