• AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, pink double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • Annual winding climbing flowering plant grows up to 2-3 meters. Star-shaped, pink flowers, diameter 2-3cm. Blooms from July until frost. Use for balconies, gazebos, and terraces.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 30-80 cm. Beautiful pink double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms from June until frost. Use for group plantings and flower beds. Common Name-Cornflower Bachelor's Button
  • Annual, plant grows 50-120 cm tall. Funnel-shaped, pink and white flowers, diameter 6-10 cm Blooms from July to frost. Use along fences, flowerbeds and cuttings. Cut flowers remain decorative for up to 7 days.
  • Annual, with densely branched stems,  which grow 80-100cm (30-40in.) tall. Large pink flowers diameter 7-10cm (3-4in.) with contrasting pink and cherry-colored edges. Blooms from mid-June to frost. Cold and relative drought resistant. Use for flowerbeds, borders, and cutting. 0.5g approx. 100 seeds.
  • Annual flowering plant grows 25-40 cm tall. Spreading bushes with terry, orange-brown flowers, diameter 4-7 cm. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds, containers, and garden vases.  
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    Nigella damascena. Persian Jewels Nigella seeds are also known as Love-in-a-Mist. Its delicate appearance belies its hardy, dependable nature. Pale as a baby flower, Persian Jewel matures to intense shades of violet, blue, white, and pastels in between. Each flower emerges from a tangle of lacy foliage.  After blooming, curious-looking fruits ripen, dry, and eventually release seeds for the next season. These distinctive seed heads can be dried for flower arrangements. Everlasting flowers are grown especially for its spiky decorative seed pods. Germinates 10–14 days at 60°. Grow on at 60–65°. Set transplants 6–9" apart. For continuous bloom, direct seed weekly until June. Nigella grows 20–50cm (8–20") tall.  
  • AKA Love-Lies-Bleeding Annual plant. Erect, powerful stems, growth up 100-120 cm high with long drooping, purple-red inflorescences. Heat-loving plant which grows well in sheltered areas. Recommended for decorating walls and fences.
  • Annual, climbing, fast-growing. Stems reach a length of 2.5-3 m. Flowers funnel, 5-6 cm in diameter, open in sunny weather. Blooms from July to October. Plant light-, heat-and water-loving. Used for vertical balconies, terraces, and green fences. Can be grown as a basket plant in containers. Decorate any corner of the garden.    
  • Annual flowering Plant growth up to 60-70 cm (24-28 in.). Large, beautiful violet flowers, diameter 12-13 cm (5-5.5 in.). Long curled petals give the flowers a very decorative look. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • The annual flowering plant grows 20-30cm tall. Forms dense, compact bushes with very branched stems, dainty leaves, and many tiny flowers. Small, beautiful, red-brown single flowers, diameter 2-3cm. Blooms from June until frost. Transplant is well tolerated.  
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    Single daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, or white completely cover the 75 cm high bushy plants from May through June. Gorgeous spring and summer colour in sun or partial shade. Invaluable for cutting, cut as soon as colour shows. If cutting for dried flowers harvest immediately after bloom opens.  Avoid high fertility. Moist, well-drained soil is best–try raised beds or containers if your soil is heavy. Hardy to Zone 5 with protection. These daisies often self-seed and  interestingly, direct sown or self-sown established plants are hardier than transplants.
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