• Perennial flowering plant, grows 10-20cm  height. Pubescent stems with grayish-green leaves. Small, light yellow flowers with a pleasant honey aroma are collected in dense inflorescences.  
  • The perennial flowering plant grows as a compact bush 15-25cm tall. Cup-shaped, large, blue Flowers, diameter 3-5cm. Blooms in the second year from June until October. Grows for 3-4 years at the same place.
  • Perennial, grows in compact bushes, 15-25 cm tall. Cup-shaped, large, white flowers, diameter 3-5 cm. Blooms in the second year from June to October. Grows in one place for 3-4 years. Use for borders, flowerbeds, and alpine hills.
  • Perennial flowering plant with erect stems, growth up to 50-80 cm Cup-shaped, white and blue flowers, diameter 2-3 cm collected in loose brushes. Excellent growing in full sun and partial shade.
  • Beautiful perennial flowering plant height 1.5-2.5m  The flowers are, pink, yellow, light pink, and red color. Grown by sowing seeds in open ground in May-June or September. Blooms second year, starting in July.  
  • Annual plant - Baby’s breath, also known as gypsophila, is a perennial known for the beautiful tiny pink flowers on stems that grow 50-60 cm tall. Flowering from June to July. Plant tolerant to cold and have a good drought resistance.
  • Perennial groundcover grows indoors as well as outside. Decorative plant with leaves similar to strawberries grows 10-15cm (4-6in.) tall. Yellow flowers and round, red berries, blooming and fruiting from June to late autumn. Looking great in hanging baskets, pots, and rock gardens. Berries edible but with an unpleasant taste.
  • Cottage Pink with spicy-sweet perfumed blooms in shades of pink, crimson, white, and bicolours. Grey-green lance-like foliage; just like the old-fashioned garden pinks, except that it blooms already first year all season long. Perennial Zone 2, height to 20 cm.
  • A spectacular representative of climbing flowers. Vines grow up to 4 m long. Large, bell-shaped, purple flowers, 7-8 cm long. Blooms from July until late autumn. Use to decorate walls, balconies, verandas, and gazebos.
  • Very ornamental perennial is mostly grown as annual. Grows up to 150cm (60in.) tall, woody stem with large leaves. Fruit - a spherical capsule, covered with spines. Datura flowers are light blue, funnel-shaped, very fragrant, with white rim, up to 20cm (8in.). All parts of Datura plants contain tropane alkaloids (highly poisonous) and may be fatal if ingested by humans or other animals, including livestock and pets.
  • Very ornamental perennial is mostly grown as annual. Grows up to 150cm (60in.) tall, woody stem with large leaves. Fruit - a spherical capsule, covered with spines. Datura flowers are light blue, funnel-shaped, very fragrant, with white rim, up to 20cm (8in.). All parts of Datura plants contain tropane alkaloids (highly poisonous) and may be fatal if ingested by humans or other animals, including livestock and pets.
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    Tender tropical perennial vine is grown as an annual with showy flowers and loves the sun. To propagate file the seeds to speed germination.  Adding excess fertilizer will promote foliage at the expense of flowers.  It prefers moist, well-drained soil.  Works well in vertical spaces but needs a fence, arbor, or trellis to climb.
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