• AKA. Moss-Rose  Annual flowering carpet, grows 10-15 cm  height. Large, white, yellow, orange, pink and red flowers, diameter 3-4 cm. Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flower beds, borders, vases and balcony boxes.
  • AKA. Moss-Rose  Small, fast-growing annual plant growing to 10 cm tall. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5-3 cm diameter with five petals, mixed red, orange, pink, white, and yellow.
  • AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, white double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, yellow double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, orange double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, pink double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • Perennial, French open pollinated variety for cold, wet and rainy weather. Plant grows up to 90cm tall. Beautiful dark purple, fragrant flowers, blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. Disease and heat resistant, tolerates excessive moisture and drought.
  • Tender Perennial flowering plant, grows 30-35 cm tall. Beautiful large, 8-10 cm diameter Flowers in white, pink red yellow and coral colors. Blooms profusely from June until frost. Use for flower beds, balconies and garden pots.
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    Perennial flowering plant with erect, robust stems, height 50-70 cm Small, fluffy flowers, white colour. Suitable for growing in group plantings, flower beds.
  • Perennial flowering plant, grows with erect stems, 60-110 cm (24-43 in.) height. Large, globular inflorescence with little red flowers. Likes sunny or lightly shaded areas. Blooms from July to September.
  • Perennial flowering plant grows 20-30cm (8-12in.) tall. Small, pink flowers, diameter 1-1.5cm (0.5in.), collected in short brushes. Very decorative, sliver gray leaves. Use for borders and rock garden.
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    Perennial flowering plant grows as a compact shrub up to 80-120 cm (30-50 in.) high. Large, single, bright yellow flowers, diameter up to 5 cm (2 in.). Blooms in the second year from July until frost.
  • Perennial, grows 90 cm tall. Large, white, hot pink, bright fuchsia, and scarlet hich grow diameter 6-9 cm. Grows in full sun or partial shade. Blooms in the second year from June to September. Use for group plantings, borders, and cutting. In general, daisies are grown for masses of reliable blooms in late summer and autumn. Do not cover seeds; seeds germinate in 7 to 28 days. Pinch tips for bushier plants. Chrysanthemums have a confusing classification system, and the Latin names have changed over time.
  • Perennial: Large 20 cm blooms in red, pink, mauve, salmon, white, and red with black centers. Expect up to twenty flowers per plant, followed by attractive seed pods from which seeds can easily be harvested. Pizzicato oriental poppy seeds are best direct sown in fall or mid-winter, and grow to a height of 50 cm. The flowers appear on stiff stems that stand up well in windy areas. This Oriental poppy mix blooms in June and July, after spring bulbs have faded, but before the arrival of summer flowers. After flowering, seed heads dry and the foliage fades away entirely, returning with autumn rains. This poppy is a good choice for xeriscaping, and it's deer resistant. Greenhouse: The seed requires darkness and a minimum 24 C soil temp. for proper germination. Since seedlings are hard to transplant, sow in peat pots and place them in a flat. Cover seed flat with black plastic or heavy paper. Seed germinates in about 10 days at 60 - 80%. Grow seedlings at 29 C days and l6°C - nights. Do not use cold water on seedlings. Cut all poppies in the bud, dip stems in boiling water for a few seconds to promote full bloom. Direct Sowing: Sow seed in July in warm soil. Do not try to transplant seedlings. Plants are quite hardy and bloom in early June next spring.
  • Perennial flowering plant grows up to 10-20 cm. Beautiful white, pink and red single and double Flowers, diameter 2-6 cm. Blooms in the second year from May to August. Likes full sun and partial shade. Use for balconies, terraces, and flowerbeds.
  • Perennial flowering plant grows 50-90 cm in height. Snow white, single and double flowers, diameter 8-12 cm with a yellow center. Blooms in the second year from June to September. Grows at one place 3-4 years. Use for flower bouquets and beds.
  • Perennial flowering plant, which blooms already in the first year. Growth in 20-40 cm high shrubs. Fluffy pink dense flowers cover during flowering the whole plant. Likes open, sunny places but resistant to light shade. Use in flower beds, borders, and as a potted plant on terraces.
  • Perennial flowering plant, which blooms already in the first year. Growth in 20-40 cm high shrubs. Fluffy blue dense flowers cover during flowering the whole plant. Likes open, sunny places but resistant to light shade. Use in flower beds, borders, and as a potted plant on terraces.
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    Recommended for windows and greenhouses. Perennial flowering plant grows up 20-30 cm  height. Solitary, drooping flowers in a great variety of bright colours. Blooms in the autumn-winter period. During flowering, the plant needs bright diffused light, regular watering, and a temperature between 12-17 C
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    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, pale pink flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
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    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, peach flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
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    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, purple flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
  • Beautiful annual flowering plant height 140-160 cm. The flowers are single, large, diameter 10-15 cm, in various colours. Blooms from July to October.  
  • Perennial flowering plant grows 40-60 cm height. Beautiful, dense inflorescences up to 30 cm long, consisting of numerous flowers. Blooms in the second year in June, when cutting the discolored inflorescences, the plants will bloom again in August.
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