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    The Cinnamon basil plant can grow up to both 100 cm tall and 100 cm wide. It has small thin serrated green leaves with contrasting pale violet-colored stems and lavender spiked flowers. As its name suggests, cinnamon basil has warm cinnamon properties throughout its composition. It's cultivated primarily for its leaves, which have a spice quality within culinary uses.
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    Neat, compact, and richly aromatic, our miniature basil is imported from Italy where you’ll see it often in window boxes and containers or edging herb beds. The charming  20-25 cm plants grow into rounded, umbrella shapes with tiny bright green leaves just 1 cm long. Snip small clusters of deliciously scented leaves to enjoy in everyday cooking. These sweetly fragrant little basil plants hold longer than their bigger cousins and are beautifully ornamental in the garden.
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    A special mixture of neat little early varieties of potted basil that blends very harmoniously and attractively into the kitchen interior, delighting the eye with elegant greenery on the window and filling the room with a pleasant Mediterranean aroma. Compact, well-leafed bushes. It usually grows up to 20-30cm (8-12 in.) in height. Large and wide leaves with various shapes and colors. Varieties include and combine notes of lemon, oregano, coriander, cinnamon, anise, and mint. Grow on the window sill, in the garden or in containers on the patio. Use the edible flowers in salads too! All types of basil enjoy warm, freely draining soil and lots of moisture in the summer heat. Basil also makes sensational microgreens - they take a little while to germinate but are worth the wait for gourmet garnishes.  
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    The most popular basil used in Pesto. Sweet basil is the most used of all basil varieties. It has a robust, aromatic, and spicy flavour that goes great with tomato-based dishes. Basil is an easy to grow herb that can be used for companion planting. Planting basil near tomato plants will help improve the flavour of tomatoes. Basil will also help attract predator insects that will prey on garden pests.  
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    Thai basil seeds are the authentic heirloom basil variety that is native to southeast Asia.  Highly regarded for its distinctive, spicy flavour. Vigorous, highly ornamental plants with purple stalks and flowers that open to pink, providing a nice contrast to its dark green leaves. This variety is particularly productive in hot weather, with plenty of moisture.  This Basil loves water, sun, and heat. so grow in the hottest sunny location and provide plenty of water.
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    Lettuce Leaf basil seeds produce very large green leaves with a glorious aroma. One of the most popular and productive sweet basils. The large, bright green, crinkled leaves let off a delicious aroma. Great for salads, pestos, pizza, and sandwiches.
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    Jazz up your meals with Spicy Globe Basil.  This Basil produces a tidy mound-shaped plant making attractive dense, bushy little plants. The 1 cm long leaves have a great spicy taste! This is a superb basil for growing in containers on hot, sunny patios. Seed can also be started indoors in a soil-less mix 4-6 weeks before the last frost date.
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