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    This is a weaving bean crop, the bush of which reaches 2 m in height and bears fruit with very long asparagus bean pods, the length of which is from 40 to 50 cm. The plant develops very quickly, and the fruits can be used like ordinary asparagus beans (for cooking first courses, scrambled eggs, and stewed vegetable goodies). At the same time, the plant, like all legumes, easily tolerates irregular watering and even drought.
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    A bee magnet, softly aromatic leaves, and colourful flower heads are just a few lovely characteristics of Bee Balm (Monarda). Guaranteed to create a great impact when planted in masses with its starry explosions of colour burst from mid-summer through until the last frost. Known as bergamot. Leaves can be used in the kitchen before flowers appear.
  • Perennial under-utilized clumping clover with huge reddish-purple plumes to 18 inches tall. Most ornamental of all the clovers, it works for a cut flower, too.
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    Wildfire Arugula was bred to be distinctive both in its flavour profile and its leaf shape. The flavour is hot and peppery; the leaves are less uniform than standard arugula. It grows quickly so plant it 15 cm apart to enjoy a cut and come again crop.  Its bright green, slightly serrated leaves grow upright instead of spreading out on the ground making it easier to cut.
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    Resistant to frost. 90-130 days. Root round with high nutritional value contains vitamins C, B1, B2, and minerals.
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    Heritage variety-Broad Windsor beans are prolific yielders. Plants produce long 15-20 cm pods with 4-6 large, flat beans inside. This variety is also tolerant of frost and has fragrant flowers. Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Pick early and often to encourage production. Pick when plump and cook like peas or lima beans. This large variety will fix nitrogen in your soil, so it’s perfect for planting in the fall, harvesting in the spring, and following with nitrogen-loving crops like Brassicas, lettuce, or spinach. Fresh or dried, broad beans must be cooked before eating in order to rid them of potentially toxic alkaloids. The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, or cooked like spinach. Broad beans are one of the world’s most ancient and widespread food crops.  
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    Heirloom from the 1700's A unique plant with cinnamon-red flowers and prostrate growth habit. Winged pods that can be eaten if harvested at 2 cm stage. Known as Asparagus Pea for its faint similarity in flavour.
  • Annual flowering plant growth up to 50-60 cm (20-24 in.). Round, beautiful red flowers with a white and yellow center, diameter 5-8 cm (2-3 in.). One bush forms up to 20 flowers. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
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    Winter Density is an early, small compact romaine. Its dark green leaves with an upright growth habit build a 20 cm tall densely packed head. You can count on Winter Density to be delectable butterhead/romaine cross is frost tolerant. Since it is bolt resistant and suited to all sowing dates and a great variety for spring, summer, and fall production. Perfect size for small families. Pick small outside leaves or harvest the whole head.
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    Perennial cousin to summer savory, with thicker and shinier leaves. The flavour is more pungent and biting. Has a higher proportion of thymol than summer savory. This herb is great for culinary uses, however, just as important is its use to attract bees while repelling aphids, and cabbage moths.

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    Mid-season. The plant grows up to 3 meters. Fruits have a bright yellow color, weighing 50 - 60 grams. The variety has excellent taste. Use of fresh and for canning.
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    Mid-season (110-130 days), high-yielding variety. Conical, smooth, red peppers, weight 60-80 grams. Universal use.
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    Mid-season variety (75-90 days). Fruits are round and oval-rounded, green with light green stripes, weighing 3.5 - 5 kg. Flesh yellow, sweet, juicy, and flavorful, with small seeds. The variety has good resistance to diseases. Grow in open field and greenhouses.  
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    Early (60-70 days from germination) open-pollinated variety. Medium size, round-oval, green melons, weight 4-4.5kg (9-10lbs.) Bright red pulp with an excellent taste.  
  • Perennial flowering plant grows 50-90 cm in height. Snow white, single and double flowers, diameter 8-12 cm with a yellow center. Blooms in the second year from June to September. Grows at one place 3-4 years. Use for flower bouquets and beds.
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    Mid-season variety (90-100 days). Cylindrical, regular shaped, smooth, intense orange root, weight 140-180 grams, 14-15 cm long, and 4-5 cm in diameter. Juicy flesh with an excellent taste. Use fresh and for cooking.
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    Early, high-yielding, heirloom. The plant grows compact. Beautiful, juicy, delicious, yellow bell peppers, weight 200-250 grams. Excellent transportability.
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    Mid-season Russian heirloom cherry variety. Indeterminate tomato, plant with unlimited growth. Small, bright-yellow, beautiful tomatoes, weigh 20 grams with an excellent, sweet taste.
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    Early (85-97 days) open-pollinated variety. Elongate conical, spiky, yellow carrots, 19-23 cm long, weight 130-180 grams. Sweet, juicy pulp, almost without a core and a strong aroma and honey flavor. Resistant to adverse growing conditions, cracking, and all major carrot diseases.
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    Mid-early (105-115 days) heirloom tomato. Indeterminate plant. Small, decorative, yellow, very fragrant tomatoes, weight 8-10 grams. Use fresh.
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    Mid-early (105-115 days) heirloom tomato. Indeterminate plant. Small, decorative, yellow, very fragrant tomatoes, weight 8-10 grams. Use fresh.  
  • AKA. Moss-Rose   Annual flowering plant with creeping, branched stems, grows 10-15 cm tall. Large, yellow double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms on sunny and clear days from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, borders, pots and containers.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 80 cm tall. Light-loving, quite drought-resistant, blooms from June to the first frost. Use for flower gardens, cuttings as well as indoor in pots.
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    Early (80-98 days) open-pollinated variety. Conical, yellow carrots with a pointed dip, 15-18 cm long, weight 120-180grams. Yellow, sweet, and crunchy pulp, good storage qualities.
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    78 days. Solanum lycopersicum. Open Pollinated. The plant produces high yields of 21-30 gram yellow pear-shaped cherry tomatoes. They are mildly very sweet and flavorful. Perfect for salads, garnishes, or culinary creations. Grows in clusters. Low acidity variety. Crack-resistant. The plant requires support, either staking or cages. An excellent choice for home gardens. An heirloom variety dating back to the late 1800s. Disease Resistant: A. Indeterminate.    
  • Annual flowering plant with strong stems grows 40-60cm tall. Large, yellow flowers, diameter. Blooms from July until frost. Recommended for flower beds, garden, and balcony as well as cuttings.
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    Uniform-sized, lemon-yellow flowers are held on plants growing to 60 cm tall. Incredibly prolific!  
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    Yellowstone has large, tapered, pale yellow imperator roots that look sensational on the plate! This novel carrot has a wonderful flavour either raw or cooked and makes a great soup carrot. A decidedly sweet root with a canary yellow colour and appreciated just as much raw as when cooked. Long smooth roots hold their colour throughout the cooking process. Packed with vitamins C, E, and K, plus folate and the antioxidant lutein. Yellowstone stores well in the ground for winter harvests and is lovely as a roasted vegetable with parsnips and other winter harvest root crops. Best carrot to sow in August for fall and winter harvests. Roots are sweeter after a few hard touches of frost. Yellowstone grow to 25 cm but their flavour is superior when harvested small!
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    Mid-season, salad variety (55-60 days). Indeterminate (climbing) plant. Smooth, long fruits, length 16-20 cm (6-8 in.), weight 120-180 g (4-6 oz.), with a thin, shiny dark green skin. Thick, juicy flesh without bitterness and a pleasant taste and aroma. High resistance to diseases.
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    Easily grown in light, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerant of poor, sandy soils, heat, drought, and salt spray. Surprising tolerance for some part shade. Can be propagated easily from basal offsets.

    Noteworthy Characteristics

    Yucca filamentosa, commonly called Adam’s needle, Spanish bayonet, yucca and needle palm, is a virtually stemless broadleaf evergreen shrub (though it looks more like a perennial than a shrub) that is native to beaches, sand dunes and fields from South Carolina south to Florida and Mississippi. It has escaped cultivation and extended its original range north into New England. It features a basal rosette of rigid, sword-shaped, spine-tipped green leaves (to 30” long and to 4” wide) with long filamentous (as per specific epithet) curly threads along the margins. Leaves form a foliage clump to 2-3’ tall. In late spring, a flowering stalk rises from the center of each rosette, typically to 5-8’ tall, but infrequently to 12’ tall, bearing a long terminal panicles of nodding bell-shaped creamy white flowers. Fruits are elliptical dehiscent capsules. Will form a small colony over time from basal offsets. Genus name comes from the Carbi name for manihot, also called cassava or yuca, which is not closely related but has similarly enlarged root structures. Specific epithet means with filaments or threads.
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    Mid-season (40-45 days) Ukrainian heirloom. The indeterminate plant grows 140-160cm tall. Green, smooth cucumbers, 8-10 cm long, weight 70-90 grams. Tender, dense flesh with a nice crunchy texture and a wonderful aroma. Excellent for pickling. Resistant to all common cucumber diseases.
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    Perennial in zones 9 & 10 Native to the eastern Mediterranean and is named for the spice mix that is so common in its homeland and across North Africa. This wild oregano has hints of thyme and marjoram mixed in for a complex, wonderful fragrance. It is low growing and compact at about 15-20 cm tall. Grow this aromatic herb in full sun in soil with good drainage or in containers. If the seeds are started indoors in early spring, they will be in bloom by mid-August, providing a magnet for bees.
  • Healthy plants with fully double flowers are mildew resistant, giving them excellent landscape performance. The mix includes Bright Orange, Cherry, Salmon Rose, Yellow, Fire, and White  
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    Early, high-yielding heirloom variety. Excellent taste, 9-13 cm long, bright green cucumbers. Good disease resistance.
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    Early (45-52 days), high-yielding, open pollinated variety with predominantly female flowers and a long fruiting period. Short, cylindrical, green cucumbers with light stripes, weight 110g (4oz.). Excellent taste, fresh and pickled without bitterness.
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    Mid-season indeterminate tomato variety for greenhouses and open ground. Round, creamy-white fruits with golden-green stripes, weight 50-100 grams with a wonderfully sweet, fruity taste.
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