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    Early variety (63-65 days). Round, light-green fruits with dark-green stripes, weight 4-5kg (9-11 lbs.). Sweet, red, tender, juicy flesh. Excellent resistance to disease can bear fruit during the whole summer.
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    Famous, early (65-80 days) open-pollinated variety. Large, round, light green melons with dark green stripes, weight up to 10kg (22lbs.). Dark red, crispy, very sweet, juicy, and fragrant pulp. Excellent yield even in drought conditions, resistant to Fusarium.
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    Attractive, frilly flowers mature into guava fruits, which may be round, ovoid, or pear-shaped, 5-10cm (2-4in.) long, and are commonly used in ms and juices. From seed, common guavas may bloom and set fruit in as little as 2 years. The bark is smooth, mottled green or reddish-brown, and peels off in thin flakes to reveal the attractive bony aspect of its trunk. Guavas can bloom throughout the year in mild-winter areas, but the heaviest bloom occurs with the onset of warm weather in the spring. And if the tops of the trees are frozen, they usually sprout from the ground and are back in production in 2-3 years. Can be grown in pots indoor.
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    Mid-season variety (75-95 days). The flesh is crisp, dark red, without streaks, very sweet, juicy, and flavorful. Fruits are large, light green with dark green veins, oval shape, weight 10-12kg. Variety is valued for the original form of the fruit, good portability, and excellent yields.
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    Early (62-65 days) Ukrainian heirloom variety. Round, shiny, emerald green melons with darker stripes, weight 4-5kg (11-13lbs.). Medium-thick rind. Rich red, honey, and very fragrant flesh. Good transportability and resistance to Fusarium.
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    Early (63-66 days from germination) Ukrainian heirloom. Oval, smooth green melons with dark green stripes. Bright red, tender, very sweet flesh with an excellent taste. Good resistance to powdery mildew and fusarium wilt.
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    One of the earliest (70 days) and best watermelons, developed in Iowa. Round, dark green watermelons, weight 4-6kg (8-12lbs.). Delicious, sweet, dark red, dense, crisp pulp with a very pleasant texture. The most effective variety for northern climate zones but also grows well in heat and drought.
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    Mid-season variety (85-95 days). It hails from the city of Astrakhan, on the Volga River near the Caspian Sea. Grows 3-5 kg (6.5-11 lbs.). The Watermelon has a wonderful, delicious, delicate sweetness. The flesh is pink and the seeds seem to vary in color and can be buff, orange or brown. The rind is dark green with stripes and mottling. Good resistance to diseases.
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    Mid-season variety (72-75 days). Round, sometimes oval light green fruits with dark green stripes. Dark pink colored, grain, juicy, and very sweet flesh. The average weight of 6 kg (13lbs.). Good transportability. Resistant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose.
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