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    Early (40-45 days) open-pollinated variety. Strong ribbed, cylindrical, dark green cucumbers with light green stripes, 9-10 cm long, weight 80-100 grams. Tender, juicy flesh, with an excellent taste and without bitterness. Use fresh and for pickling.
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    Cucumber, 'Parisian Pickling' is the ideal cucumber for use in pickling and for eating fresh in summer salads. The fruits can be harvested while small and young at around 50 days for pickles or left to mature to 67 days for slicing cucumbers. 'Parisian' are suitable for indoor and outdoor sowing and ideal for container growing. The prolific plants produce blunt-ended fruits that average 15cm in length, the skin is medium green in colour with dark green spots. Small-spined, seedless, crunchy-sweet cucumbers. The fruits have firm flesh that holds well and is very uniform in shape which is important when trying to get all those little cucumbers into those jars!
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    Early, heirloom, determinate (bush) variety for open ground. Cylindrical, green cucumbers with black spikes and light green stripes. The fruit has no bitterness. 9-12 cm long, weight 100-120g. Good resistance to diseases, use fresh and for pickling.
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    Early (42-46 days) heirloom variety for open ground. Dark green, cylindrical cucumbers with short, light green stripes, up to 10 cm long. Excellent taste. Use fresh and for canning.
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    Early, high-yielding heirloom variety. Excellent taste, 9-13 cm long, bright green cucumbers. Good disease resistance.
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    Mid-early (42-45 days) heirloom variety for open ground. Climbing plant. Cylindrical, green cucumbers, 9-11cm long. Excellent, crispy, and juicy taste, recommended for salads and canning.
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