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    Famous Czech heirloom variety (400 years old). Early (40-45 days) with strong vines 150-200 cm long. Short, dark green, smooth cucumbers, 6-9 cm long. Excellent for salting and pickling.
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    Early (45-52 days), high-yielding, open pollinated variety with predominantly female flowers and a long fruiting period. Short, cylindrical, green cucumbers with light stripes, weight 110g (4oz.). Excellent taste, fresh and pickled without bitterness.
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    Mid-season, salad variety (55-60 days). Indeterminate (climbing) plant. Smooth, long fruits, length 16-20 cm (6-8 in.), weight 120-180 g (4-6 oz.), with a thin, shiny dark green skin. Thick, juicy flesh without bitterness and a pleasant taste and aroma. High resistance to diseases.
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    Italian Heirloom from Puglia region. Crispy, bright-green, small melons, 12 cm (4in.) long, taste like cucumbers without any bitterness. Use for salads and pickling. If you allow them to grow and mature longer, they will become sweet, yellow melons with white flesh.
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    Mid-season (45-50 days from germination) indeterminate (climbing) Russian heirloom for open ground and greenhouses. Green cucumbers with a weak wax coating, 10-15cm long, weight 100-150 grams. Resistant to drought and downy mildew. Use fresh and for pickles.
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    Mid-season heirloom variety. Very fragrant and delicious, green cucumbers, 14-16 cm long. Use fresh and for pickling.
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    Early (45-50 days) high-yielding, Ukrainian heirloom variety. Oval-cylindrical, short, green cucumbers with an excellent taste. Universal use, one of the best varieties for pickling.
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    Early (43-46 days) Ukrainian open-pollinated variety for open ground.The powerful climbing plant grows quickly. Variety is designed for regular harvest of small cucumbers, 5-7cm long. Use fresh and for pickling. Drought and heat resistant. fragrant.
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    Mid-season (50-60 days) Chinese heirloom originated from Yunnan province. A climbing plant grows up to 4 meters tall. Very juicy, crispy, tender cucumbers, 50-60cm (20-24in.) long, weight 400-600g with an excellent aroma. Fruiting throughout the season until frost. Resistant against all major cucumber diseases.
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    The petite 10 cm oval fruit is a bright, creamy white, about the size of a small apple, and is sweet, mild, and very tender. This variety has become almost extinct in America after being introduced here from Australia around 1930s.  The small fruit is so tender you can eat it skin and all. The plants are very prolific, producing a generous number of tasty little cucumbers. Maintain regular moisture throughout the growing season and keep vines picked to encourage new fruit formation. Crystal Apple will perform well in containers or raised beds. To grow in containers choose a three to five-gallon container or larger, with good drainage
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    Semi-bush type plants produce a large number of medium green, 12.5-15 cm (5-6″) fruit with small white spines and a crisp core. This is an excellent dill pickling variety that can also be harvested at 4 cm (1.5″) long for baby sweets. Pick regularly to maintain harvest – it is best to cut the cucumbers from the vine rather than twisting or pulling them off. Good disease resistance. An excellent choice for smaller gardens.
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    Mid-season (42-48 days) open-pollinated variety with mostly female flowers. Cylindrical, green cucumbers, 10-12cm long with an excellent taste. Good resistance to fungal diseases.
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    Mid-season (56-65 days) open-pollinated variety. Determinate plant. Cylindrical, green, and dark green cucumbers, 8-10 cm long, weight 90-120 grams with an excellent taste. Resistant to downy and powdery mildew. Use for salads and pickling.
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    Mid-early (48-55 days) heat resistant heirloom from China. Powerful climbing plants growing up to 4m (13ft.) tall. Smooth, bright green, cucumbers, 45-55cm long, weight 400 grams. Very thin peel with a fresh, mild taste without any bitterness and almost no seeds.
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    Early (40-45 days) open-pollinated variety. Strong ribbed, cylindrical, dark green cucumbers with light green stripes, 9-10 cm long, weight 80-100 grams. Tender, juicy flesh, with an excellent taste and without bitterness. Use fresh and for pickling.
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    Mid-early (45-55 days from germination) slicing cucumber. Large, green cucumbers, 8-12cm , weight 90-100 grams which does not turn yellow. Excellent taste, fresh, and pickled.
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    Cucumber, 'Parisian Pickling' is the ideal cucumber for use in pickling and for eating fresh in summer salads. The fruits can be harvested while small and young at around 50 days for pickles or left to mature to 67 days for slicing cucumbers. 'Parisian' are suitable for indoor and outdoor sowing and ideal for container growing. The prolific plants produce blunt-ended fruits that average 15cm in length, the skin is medium green in colour with dark green spots. Small-spined, seedless, crunchy-sweet cucumbers. The fruits have firm flesh that holds well and is very uniform in shape which is important when trying to get all those little cucumbers into those jars!
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    Early (38-40 days) Ukrainian heirloom, especially for salting. A climbing plant, vines grow 150-170cm long. Oval, cylindrical cucumbers, 7-9 cm long, weight 70-80 grams. Dense, sweet, crisp flesh with small seeds. Perfect in taste and size for pickling. Resistant to all major cucumber diseases and fruiting until autumn frosts.
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    Early, heirloom, determinate (bush) variety for open ground. Cylindrical, green cucumbers with black spikes and light green stripes. The fruit has no bitterness. 9-12 cm long, weight 100-120g. Good resistance to diseases, use fresh and for pickling.
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    Delicious Chinese heirloom variety. Long, prickly, white cucumbers with an excellent taste. Use for pickling and canning.
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    Early (42-46 days) heirloom variety for open ground. Dark green, cylindrical cucumbers with short, light green stripes, up to 10 cm long. Excellent taste. Use fresh and for canning.
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    Mid-early (45-55 days), high-yielding, climbing heirloom variety. Very delicious, green cucumbers, 8-10 cm long, weight 60-75 grams without bitterness.
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    Mouse Melon Cucumber Seeds  This variety, which is also known as Mexican Gherkin, produces large numbers of grape-sized fruit with a marbled skin that resemble tiny watermelons. The fruit has the same taste and crunch of cucumber but with a refreshing burst of sour lemon. Native to Mexico and Latin America, the tiny fruits are known as “sandita” and are perfect for stir-fries, pickling, salsa, desserts, or martinis. We suggest that this cucumber is best grown on a trellis or other structure to support the long vines and myriad of small cucumbers and to make picking much easier.
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    English Telegraph also known as the ‘English Cucumber’ has been around since at least 1885 and produces a straight, slim slicing cucumber. The fruit averages 35 cm long and has a very mild flavour. Fruit that develops on vines laying on the ground often curl so for your best chance at straight fruit, train vines to grow on a trellis or netting. Continuously pick the fruit to encourage further flower and fruit production. This is one variety to give a try indoors if a greenhouse is available.
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