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    A very uniform, dark red oak leaf type. It is the standard that all red oaks must go up against, and it's hard to beat. In trials, Mascara retains its color during the hottest parts of the summer, when others tend to fade. Combines well with regular green leaf types to make beautiful mid-summer salads. Very bolt resistant; mild, non-bitter flavor. Disease resistant.
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    Mid-season lettuce variety for all-season cultivation. Forms a greenish to burgundy-brown rosette with fine, nutty-flavored leaves. Good resistance to diseases.
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    Mid-season (65-75 days) Ukrainian heirloom variety for open ground and greenhouses. Large, loose heads, weight 250-300 grams. Very flavorful, light-green, crispy leaves without bitterness.
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    A real standout in both the garden and in your salad bowl. Harvest when leaves are small to add a brilliant colour to spring salads. Outrageous Red is slow to bolt in the summer heat and keeps its mild, non-bitter flavour. The colour fades in hot weather but it stands up well. Sow in early spring and then again in August to have this lively leag lettuce available all summer. Cut leaves 2-3 cm above the stem base to allow the plant to sprout new leaves. If the plant starts to bolt remove the plant as leaves become bitter.
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    Early (45 days) French heirloom variety. Smooth, crunchy, bright green leaves sometimes with a light bronze tinge. Suitable for baby lettuce (harvest 3 weeks after germination).
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    An old French heirloom also known as Goutte de Sand, forms a large, 30cm (15in.), heavy, dense head with wide, wavy, green leaves with red dots. Loves cold weather, sow in early spring or end of summer for autumn harvest.
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    Mid-season (50-60days). Plant forms a loose head, diameter 35-45cm. Wavy, reddish-brown, crunchy, juicy leaves. Resistant to mildew, suitable for all season cultivation.
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    There is a very good reason why Red Salad Bowl is among the most popular lettuces. Red Salad Bowl is a variety of looseleaf lettuce with oakleaf type leaves. The deep red and purple leaves are especially tender, with sweet and spicy tones. Red Salad Bowl is best grown during the cooler portions of the growing season in spring or fall, though it is slow to bolt in warmer conditions. The leaves are commonly used in salads. The baby greens can first be harvested approximately 25 days after germinating. Try growing some in containers,
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    This is a red oak-leaved variety for spring, summer, and autumn growing. It does not create a head but a rosette of leaves that have an intensive red color. It is possible to harvest single leaves or whole rosettes. Slow to bolt. Coated Seed.
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    Mid-season (25-30 days) variety. Forms a compact rosette, diameter 20-25cm (8-10in.), weight 120-160g  Radish-brown, wavy, crunchy, and juicy leaves. For open ground and greenhouses, suitable for all seasons.
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    Mid-season (25-30 days) variety. Forms a compact rosette, diameter 20-25cm (8-10in.), weight 120-160g  Radish-brown, wavy, crunchy, and juicy leaves. For open ground and greenhouses, suitable for all seasons.
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    Early leaf variety. Ornamental plants. Outlet vertical, compact, composed of 12 - 18 yellow-green, oval-oblong leaves. Variety resistant against disease. Use leaves fresh.
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