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    Early variety (120-130 days). Bush growth up to 25-30 cm. Cone-shaped, smooth, red fruits, weight 50-60 grams, with sweet and juicy flesh. Recommended for greenhouses.
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    One of the best early, high-yielding pepper varieties. Bush grows 50 cm tall. Large, thick, prismatic, bright red fruits with an excellent taste. Good resistance to various diseases.
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    Mid-season (90-100 days) Chinese heirloom variety. One of the biggest, red bell peppers, width 10 cm with an excellent, sweet, juicy taste. Very thick walls.
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    Mid-season (95-110 days) variety for open ground. The plants grow 45-55 cm tall. Smooth, bright red fruits, weight 50-85 grams with an excellent taste.
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    Late-season variety. The plant growth more than 2 m in height, resistant to late blight. The fruit is oval, smooth, yellow with 60-90 grams fruits. The variety is valued for its high yield and very good taste.
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    Mid-season indeterminate tomato variety for greenhouses and open ground. Round, creamy-white fruits with golden-green stripes, weight 50-100 grams with a wonderfully sweet, fruity taste.
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    Originally developed in Asia in the 1950s, Kuroda is widely adaptable, suitable for growth almost everywhere. A refined Chantenay strain, this stubby, thick-shouldered favorite yields smooth, uniform tapered roots best harvested 12-15 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. Thriving in even the poorest of soils, this light to deep orange Asian Carrot is ideal for summer sowing with prolonged harvest through autumn (and winter in more temperate zones). It’s an awesome juicer.
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    This variety produces early yellow wax beans that are 12-15 cm long. They are slender straight yellow pods that hang in clusters on strong compact dark green bushy plants. Average plant height 42-54 cm with a spread that is 38-51 cm wide. Wax beans have a pleasant, mild flavour and make a lovely change from regular green beans.  Excellent for freezing. Maturity of 54 days.
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    Fortex Filet This stringless French pole bean produces exceptionally long, medium-green pods that grow to over 27 cm. Fortex can also be harvested at 15-20cm for extra slender filet beans. The delicate, sweet flavour is wonderful served fresh or frozen. Fortex filet pole bean seeds produce vigorous climbing vines that require the support of a trellis or pole. Picked fresh, these beans are sweet, crunchy, and have a succulent texture and a flavour that will earn them a spot in the garden every season. It has been a best-selling customer favourite for years. Matures in 70 days.  
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    Heritage variety-Broad Windsor beans are prolific yielders. Plants produce long 15-20 cm pods with 4-6 large, flat beans inside. This variety is also tolerant of frost and has fragrant flowers. Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Pick early and often to encourage production. Pick when plump and cook like peas or lima beans. This large variety will fix nitrogen in your soil, so it’s perfect for planting in the fall, harvesting in the spring, and following with nitrogen-loving crops like Brassicas, lettuce, or spinach. Fresh or dried, broad beans must be cooked before eating in order to rid them of potentially toxic alkaloids. The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, or cooked like spinach. Broad beans are one of the world’s most ancient and widespread food crops.  
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    Gorgeous lettuce with frizzy purple-tinged leaves which look fabulous in the plot and even better on the plate. It's a cut-and-come-again variety, so you can pick the outer leaves as you need them for salads and the heart will continue producing more, giving you a continuous harvest over several weeks. Sow into trays or modules in the greenhouse or on a windowsill and harden off before planting out. Or sow direct in shallow drills where they are to grow, either in containers or in the open ground, thinning seedlings to 15cm apart. Protect from slugs and cover early and late sowings with a cloche. For sweet, succulent baby salad leaves, grow plants at a close spacing and snip the whole head off with scissors about 2cm above ground level once leaves are 8cm tall.
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    Annual flowering plant, growth up to 30-50 cm (12-20 in.). Beautiful fragrant, double, and semi-double flowers of various colors, diameter 3-4 cm (1 - 1.5 in.). Blooms from June until frost.
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    Annual flowering plant grows 20-30cm (8-12in.) tall. Forms dense, compact bushes with very branched stems, dainty leaves and many tiny flowers. Small, beautiful, orange single flowers, diameter 2-3cm (1in.). Blooms from June until frost. Transplant is well tolerated.  
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    Annual flowering plant grows 20-40cm (8-16in.) tall. Spreading bushes with terry flowers in different colors, diameter 4-7cm (1.5-3in.). Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds, containers and garden vases.  
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    Annual flowering plant with powerful, erect stems, grows 50-100cm (40in.) tall. Large, yellow, orange and cream-colored double flowers, diameter 8-10cm (3-4in.). Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds and cuttings.  
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    Annual flowering plant with erect stems grows up to 50-60 cm high. Large, dense, bushy inflorescence of orange double flowers. Likes open, sunny areas and blooms from July to October. Use for flower beds, borders, balconies and cuttings.
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    Attractive, frilly flowers mature into guava fruits, which may be round, ovoid, or pear-shaped, 5-10cm (2-4in.) long, and are commonly used in ms and juices. From seed, common guavas may bloom and set fruit in as little as 2 years. The bark is smooth, mottled green or reddish-brown, and peels off in thin flakes to reveal the attractive bony aspect of its trunk. Guavas can bloom throughout the year in mild-winter areas, but the heaviest bloom occurs with the onset of warm weather in the spring. And if the tops of the trees are frozen, they usually sprout from the ground and are back in production in 2-3 years. Can be grown in pots indoor.
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    Perennial flowering plant grows in compact bushes up to 20-35 cm (8-14 in). Bi-colored flowers, white-pink-red, diameter 2-3 cm (0.8-1.2 in.) with a pleasant aroma. Blooms in June and July in the second year. Recommended for group plantings, flower beds, balconies, and cuttings.
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    Perennial flowering plant grows 100-150cm (40-60in.) tall. Pearl-white flowers collected in pyramidal shape on the peduncle. Blooms in the second year from June to July. Use for group plantings, borders and cutting, looks very impressive in flower bouquets.
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    Biennial flowering plant, growth up to 15-25 cm. Large flowers, diameter 6-7 cm, mixed color with a dark spot in the center. Bloom in the second year from spring to autumn. Can be transplanted even during blooming.
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    Biennial flowering plant, growth up to 15-25 cm (6-10 in.). Large flowers, diameter 6-7 cm (2.5 - 3 in.), red with a black spot in the center. Bloom in the second year from spring to autumn. Can be transplanted even during blooming.
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