
  • Annual flowering plants grow 80-120 cm tall. Irregular-shaped, blue flowers, diameter 2-3cm, collected in spike inflorescences. Like shady sites and blooms from June to September. Use for flower beds, group plantings, and cuttings.
  • The annual flowering plant grows 50-60 cm tall. Terry, round, blue, flowers, diameter 5-8 cm with white edges. Use for flower beds, borders, and cuttings. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
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    Blue Winds Broccoli is the most popular broccoli. This extra-early maturing broccoli produces impressively large, tightly beaded heads. The large plants are tightly beaded and sport powdery light blue foliage. They have strong-stems with densely packed heads. After harvesting of main head, Blue Winds Brocolli has good side shoot production will supply a continued harvest of delicious florets! One of the only hybrid crops we grow!
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    Early variety (95-110 days). Scrub grows up to 55-65 cm (21-25 in.) high. Cone-shaped, yellow-orange colored fruits, weight 200-250g (7-9 oz.), 12-15 cm (5-6 in.) long, diameter 8-9cm (3-3.5 in.). Excellent pulp consistency with delicate skin.
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    Early (96-105 days), high-yielding Heirloom variety. Indeterminate tomato plant grows 150-190cm height. Heart-shaped, crimson with pink, big, very delicious tomatoes, weight 350-600 grams. Long fruiting period and resistance to late blight.
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    Early (18-25 days from germination) open-pollinated variety. Pink-red, smooth, cylindrical radishes, weight 25-30g (1oz). White, juicy flesh with an excellent sweetish-sharp taste. Drought resistant.  
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    55 days-Bright yellow beet. Boldor is a refined beet, very uniform in shape and colour. It is true yellow not golden, with contrasting strong green leaves. Excellent taste and texture. Holds well in the field.
  • The annual flowering plant grows 20-30 cm tall. Spreading bushes with terry, brown-red flowers and yellow spots on the petals, diameter 4-7 cm with a yellow center. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds, containers, and garden vases.  
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    The unique and varied oak style leaf of Bolsachica Organic adds loft and character to baby leaf salad mixes. The leaves are medium to dark green and a bit thicker than others. They grow almost straight upright which makes baby leaf harvesting much easier. Grow this baby leaf lettuce in trays or containers. Cut outside leaves and let inside leaves for future harvests.
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    55 days. Annual. The plant produces flavorful leaves used in salads and to flavor lemonade. The flower stalks and blooms are used as garnishes for summer drinks and desserts and can be candied. The leaves and flowers are used in salads. Leaves can be steamed or sauteed like spinach. Stems can be used like celery. It has a crisp cucumber flavour. Bees and butterflies love it! Try borage flower clusters lightly breaded and deep-fried.    
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    Early (63-66 days from germination) Ukrainian heirloom. Oval, smooth green melons with dark green stripes. Bright red, tender, very sweet flesh with an excellent taste. Good resistance to powdery mildew and fusarium wilt.
  • Annual flowering plant, grows 70-80 cm (28-31 in.) tall. Terry, large, burgundy, decorative flowers, diameter 10-13 cm (4-5 in.). Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
  • A beautiful biennial flowering plant grows 40-60 cm (15-24 in.) tall. Terry, semi-double, maroon flowers with a pleasant strong fragrance. Use for flower beds, curbs and cuttings.
  • Perennial creeping flowering plant, sprawling stems with silver-grey hairs, grows up to 20-25 cm height. Beautiful little white flowers, diameter 1.5-2 cm. Blooms in the second year and grows 3-4 years in the same place. Use for borders, flower beds, and alpine gardens.
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    Early variety. Light green, flat, red spots with heavy-strokes up to 13cm. variety is relatively resistant to disease and has very good taste.    
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    Early variety (80-100 days). Root round shape, weight 300-500 grams smooth, Flesh is dark red, tender, very juicy, with white-pink rings. Variety prized for uniformity of root crops and a high content of amino acids. Recommended variety to prepare Borsch.
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    Early, sweet, and soft heirloom variety from France. Dark, blue-green foliage with an excellent taste between anise and cumin. Seeds flavour pickles; leaves enhance salads, soups, omelets, and vegetables. Grows 75-90 cm high. Matures in 40-60 days, spreads 10-20 cm.
  • Annual flowering plant, growth up to 30-35 cm high. Beautiful small, pink, red and violet flowers. Blooms from mid-June until September.
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    Easy to grow (54 days) French heirloom variety. Large, thick, dark green leaves with an excellent taste. Excellent heat resistance adapts to almost all climate zones. Suitable for baby lettuce when harvested 3 weeks after germination.
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    Dating back to 1885, this heirloom wins most flavour contests. Brandywine, which dates back to 1885, is the heirloom tomato standard. The large, beefsteak-shaped fruits grow on unusually upright, potato-leaved plants. The fruits set one or two per cluster and ripen late-and are worth the wait. Brandywine's qualities really shine when it develops an incredibly fine, sweet flavor. It a massive tomato and the vines are massive too. Tall sturdy stalks are necessary for these plants.

  • Bridal Silk is a Shirley poppy. Shirley poppies thrive in cool temperatures and must be sown when the soil is still cold. 'Bridal Silk' has glistening pure-white chalice-shaped flowers in glorious bloom during early summer, new flowers opening every morning as the old flowers shed their petals. These plants prefer evenly moist soil but can tolerate drought. About an inch of water per week is more than sufficient once they are established. Plant height 45-60 cm.
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    The leaves are lettuce-like, large, broad, and reach twelve to sixteen inches tall. Broadleaf endive varieties, or escarole, tend to be less bitter than the curly leaf endive varieties. It can be eaten like other greens either fresh as part of a green salad, or sautéed or chopped and added into soups and stews.
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    Bronze Mignonette is a  Butterhead Heirloom Lettuce Bronze Mignonette is a heat-tolerant and slow to bolt butterhead lettuce variety that has been around for over 100 years. It's bronze leaves are crisp and perfect for salads and sandwiches Frilled green leaves have a bronze tinge with a cream coloured heart. Large heads and tender buttery leaves tipped in red are a rare treat. Plants need plenty of space to reach the full potential of this lettuce so keep plants 45 cm apart. Plant in lots of organic well-drained fertile soil.  Harvest early in the morning to obtain the best flavour. Keep soil evenly moist for best growth.  Plant every 2 weeks from early spring until August to maintain fresh crop all summer.
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    Early (45 days) French heirloom variety. Bronze-red outer leaves that cover a tightly packed, light green inner head, diameter 30-40cm Excellent heat and cold resistance make the variety suitable for almost year-round growing.
  • Annual flowering plant, grows 50-70 cm (20-28 in.) tall. Large, decorative, salmon, needle flowers, diameter 12-15 cm (5-6 in.). Use for flower beds, borders and cuttings. Profuse blooms from early summer to fall.
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    Brunswick is a “Drum Head” cabbage, introduced in Europe in the 1920s, that has long since become a favorite. Brunswick is an extremely versatile cabbage and can be planted virtually throughout the year. Heads weigh 2.7-4.5 kg
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    Early Russian Variety. Large, oblong oval fruits, weight up to 4.5 kg (10 lbs.). High-yielding variety with excellent taste. Good resistance to various diseases.
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    Early, heirloom, determinate (bush) variety for open ground. Cylindrical, green cucumbers with black spikes and light green stripes. The fruit has no bitterness. 9-12 cm long, weight 100-120g. Good resistance to diseases, use fresh and for pickling.
  • The decorative plant blooms for a long time and intensively and rewards good caretaking with a grand blossoming. The care instructions explain all that is important for professional care of the Impatiens and shows how you can best optimize the growth and bloom without great effort. The Impatiens develop seed capsules that grow to be 1.5 to 2 centimeters in size. As soon as they are mature, the light green capsule directly opens already at a light touch and spreads its seeds explosively in the surrounding area. If one wants to grow their own busy Lizzies they should thus be careful to collect seeds before the capsules open.
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    Buttercrunch is a real winner and always a favorite in our organic gardens.  This is a butterhead type of lettuce with crisp, thick well-formed medium to dark green outer leaves which hides the buttery yellow-white heart. Buttercrunch has good resistance to bolting. For ultimate flavour and nutrition eat directly after picking. We found that all lettuce, especially our buttercrunch grows in moist rich organic compost.  Spring lettuce is grown in sunny locations, while summer crops prefer light shade.  Since lettuce is a cool-weather crop, sow the seed as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring then every two weeks thereafter to ensure a continuous supply. Sow seed about 3 mm deep. Head lettuce such as Buttercrunch should be thinned to 30 cm apart to provide ample nutrients and room for growth.  An even supply of moisture during the entire growth period is imperative for success. Harvest head lettuce by cutting the head off at the base just below the lower leaves.
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    Mid-season (24-30 days) open-pollinated variety. Large, round, carmine-red radishes, weight 30-40g (1-1.5oz.). White, tender, and juicy flesh with excellent taste. Good resistance to low temperatures. Use fresh.  
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    Small kernels on 15 cm, multi-coloured cobs in yellow, brown, white, purple, red, and blue. Use Calico Popcorn seeds for edible popping corn, or simply as ornaments to mark the harvest season in early fall. Give the tall, slow-growing plants as early a start as possible for the ripest cobs. Expect mixed colours on every stalk. This is not a sweet corn variety and is not intended for eating as corn on the cob. But the kernels really do pop once they have fully dried.
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    Mid-early (140-150 days), high-yielding, open-pollinated variety. Compact bush, with 45-55 days fruiting period. Large, cube-shaped, yellow, fragrant peppers, weight 80-130g (3-5oz.) with an excellent taste. Use fresh, for cooking and canning.
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    High yielding early- mid-season variety. The growing period from germination to maturity 140-150 days. Plants carry fruits 45-55 days. Bush compact, fruits big, orange, weight 80-130g, with a great taste. Wall thickness 5-6 mm. Universal use.
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    Mid-early, high-yielding variety (140-150 days), fruiting period 45-55 days. Dwarf bush with large, cube-shaped, red, fragrant fruits, weight 80-130g (3-4.5oz.) with an excellent taste.
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