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    Such a great looking and flavoured Romaine lettuce to have in your garden and in for a salad. The maroon freckles stand out on the glossy green leaves.
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    The unique and varied oak style leaf of Bolsachica Organic adds loft and character to baby leaf salad mixes. The leaves are medium to dark green and a bit thicker than others. They grow almost straight upright which makes baby leaf harvesting much easier. Grow this baby leaf lettuce in trays or containers. Cut outside leaves and let inside leaves for future harvests.
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    Ethiopian Kale matures in 40 days. Technically, a Mustard, Ethiopian Kale is an unusual leafy green. The hearty leaves have a very complex flavor with overtones of spice and garlic. Great for picking at the baby size in under 3 weeks, or waiting for fully grown leaves. Ethiopian Kale works great makes delicious salad mix, standalone raw, or lightly cooked. An extra cold-tolerant and drought-resistant crop. If you're going to try only one new green this year, Ethiopian Kale should be your first choice.

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    Red Russian Kale Seeds grow leaves that are flat, toothed, grey-green leaves with purple stems and veins really brighten after frosts. Young leaves are tender for salads, the red and purple hues turn a rich, dark green color when cooked.  Rich in vitamins and minerals than other greens and disease resistant. If planted early this old-time heirloom kale goes to seed, producing tall towers of yellow flowers followed by edible seed pods. Seed saving is easy with kale, and collect Kale seeds before they drop to prevent unwanted kale for years to come.    
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    Organic. Very early leaf lettuce. Loose, light green crinkly leaves retain their crisp, tender eating qualities longer than other leaf lettuce varieties. Extra early maturity at approximately 45 days.
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    Brunswick is a “Drum Head” cabbage, introduced in Europe in the 1920s, that has long since become a favorite. Brunswick is an extremely versatile cabbage and can be planted virtually throughout the year. Heads weigh 2.7-4.5 kg
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    A stunningly colored and robust, red celery variety that will become a favourite for its continual harvests of gorgeous, succulent stalks. A range of red shades from burgundy to brilliant red and even blanched to golden pink, all with green foliage. From the breeding talents of Frank Morton who crossed the heirloom, Giant Red with Ventura.  Giant red celery is one of Europe's most treasured heirlooms, not only for its striking colour, but its true celery flavour that is prized in soups.  Redventure combines the best of both of these celeries.  Harvest a stalk at a time for salads.  Fully mature plants produce a nice semi-blanched golden-pink heart.
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    Tall Utah is a disease-resistant variety with large, full hearts with round, smooth ribs. The dark green, stringless stalks are tender, crisp, and tasty. There is no doubt that celery is a demanding vegetable to grow. At the same time, it is a rewarding vegetable to grow for gardeners with skill, determination, and a space to start the seeds indoors. Tall Utah has an early maturity and is resistant to bolting under summer stress. Vigorous plants produce nicely flavoured, crisp stalks. Plants reach a mature height of 45 cm. Stalks can be picked young and enjoyed.
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    Orange-scarlet roots are smooth, even-shaped, and free from eyes. The meaty carrots are 15 cm long and 2.5 cm thick with a sweet taste. A garden staple that is a good choice for soils that tend to be a little heavier. Chantenay produces crunchy, sweet carrots that are excellent for dicing. Roots grow to be a reddish-orange.
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    This escarole type of endive has dark green leaves that are broad, coarse and crumpled in appearance but not curly. Popular as an addition to any salad or may be cooked as greens. Harvest as you would lettuce by cutting them just below the lower leaves. They will withstand a touch of frost but not a hard freeze.
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    The herbal lemony flavor of sorrel makes a great addition to salads, sauces, or soups. A famed companion to fish. Will produce the most tender leaves in cool weather. Sow in spring or fall. Once established, can be propagated by root division. Hardy in zone 4-8. Perennial.

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