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    Annual Height 120 cm. Dark green glossy leaves can be used as a micro salad green or seasoning. Has strong licorice-mint flavour. Bees are attracted to the blue-mauve flowers.
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    Mid-season (75-80 days) Russian heirloom for open ground and greenhouses. The plant grows 70-80cm in height. Red, cube-shaped peppers, diameter 10-11 cm, weight 100-130 grams. Good resistance against diseases and low air temperature.
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    Biennial flowering plant, growth up to 15-25 cm. Large flowers, diameter 6-7 cm, red with a black spot in center. Bloom in the second year from spring to autumn. Can be transplanted even during blooming.  
  • Annual flowering plant grows in branched bushes 50-60 cm high. Fragrant, large, creamy orange Flowers. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds and group plantings.  
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    Annual flowering plant grows up to 30-40 cm (12-16 in.). Large, fragrant, double salmon pink colored flowers, diameter 3-4 cm (1-1.5 in.). Blooms plentiful from June until frost. Use for flower beds, borders and balconies.
  • Native to eastern North America, Lanceleaf Coreopsis has naturalized across much of the Prairies and even into the Rocky Mountains. It is a hardy perennial plant (Zones 3-10) that is both drought tolerant and able to endure high temperature and humidity. It will work in well-drained containers and just about any garden soil, but it prefers well-drained, nutrient-poor, sandy loam. This variety can reach 90cm tall but may grow shorter depending on exposure in the garden. Its stems are stiff and upright, so it makes a nice cut flower. It is attractive to a wide range of pollinators and beneficial insects. Avoid over-watering, and keep the spent flowers picked
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    The herbal lemony flavor of sorrel makes a great addition to salads, sauces, or soups. A famed companion to fish. Will produce the most tender leaves in cool weather. Sow in spring or fall. Once established, can be propagated by root division. Hardy in zone 4-8. Perennial.

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    Medium early variety (130-145 days) for open ground and greenhouses. Scrub grows up to 35-45 cm high. Conical-oval-shaped smooth, dark red-colored fruits, weight 80-100 grams. Variety is valued for its juicy and sweet flesh. Use fresh and for conservation
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    Biennial flowering plant grows up to 15-25 cm. Large, crimson flowers, diameter 6-7 cm with a dark spot. Blooms in the second year from spring to autumn. Can be transplanted even during blooming.
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    Leafy herb with bold celery flavor. Easier to grow than standard celery. A versatile ingredient for salads, soups, stews, and vegetable medleys. More intense flavour (both fresh and dried) than garden celery.

  • Annual flowering plant grows 20-30 cm tall. Spreading bushes with single, yellow flowers, diameter 4-6 cm with brown-red spots at the base.  
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    Annual flowering plant grows as a compact bush, 20-25 cm tall. Blooms yellow and orange.  
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