• Annual flowering plant grows up 20-30 cm. Beautiful blue, white, pink, and purple flowers, diameter 3-4 cm. Blooming from June until autumn. Likes open, sunny areas and slightly dry soil. Use for flower beds, borders as well as in pots.
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 40-60 cm in height. Beautiful, white double flowers with a yellow center. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 20-30 cm in height. Beautiful, white flowers 1.5 -2 cm. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 20-30 cm in height. Beautiful, yellow flowers 1.5 -2 cm. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
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    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, pale pink flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
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    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, peach flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
  • Out of stock
    Beautiful perennial flowering plant grows 150-250 cm tall. Large, double, purple flowers, diameter 8-12 cm. Sow directly in May-June or September. Blooms in the second year from July. Use for group plantings, fences, and cuttings.  
  • Beautiful annual flowering plant height 140-160 cm. The flowers are single, large, diameter 10-15 cm, in various colours. Blooms from July to October.  
  • Annual flowering plant grows 70-80 cm tall. Beautiful, large, double flowers, diameter 10-15 cm in different colours. Blooms from July to October. Use for group plantings, hedges, and fences as well as for cutting.  
  • Perennial flowering plant with erect stems grows 150-200 cm tall. Irregularly shaped flowers collected in large, pyramidal brushes in various colors. Blooms in the second year during summer. Cut flowers in July after the main blooming period to trigger a second wave.    
  • Calendula is actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Large 10 cm orange double blooms. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 50 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for it's culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
  • Calendula is actually short-lived tender perennials that are grown as annuals in Canada. Many bi-coloured blooms cover stocky plants all summer. They flower generously through the summer on well-branched plants that grow to 50 cm in height. Calendula is also known as the pot marigold and grows nicely in containers! One of the easiest flowers to grow. Try using petals in salads. Pick when in full bloom to dry for homemade teas, soaps, and calendula cream. Calendula is a versatile plant that can be used for it's culinary and healing properties and for long-lasting cut flowers.
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