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    One of the most popular bell peppers, California Wonder bears blocky, green peppers that can grow to 10x10 cm. Very crisp, crunchy, with the classic sweet bell pepper flavor. Fruits are usually used when green but will ripen to red. Plants tend to bear over a long season, resulting in harvests throughout the summer. 75 days.
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    Sweet yellow bell pepper.  Plants are compact 60 cm tall. Mid-season variety (70-80 days) from transplant. Scrub grows up to 40-60 cm high. Suitable for growing outside and greenhouse
  • Use seeds, leaves, and flowers. Bright, sunny colors: yellow, pink, red, and orange. The edible flowers are popular for salads and as a garnish; the peppery leaves are also very flavorful. A colourful garden favorite. Flowers all summer long. Keep watered during dry weather, and do not fertilize. Excellent in window boxes, hanging baskets, or raised beds. Suitable for xeriscaping
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    Excellent mounding annual. Compact bushes, growth up to 20 cm (8 in.) Yellow flowers and deep blue-green, discoid leaves. Plant prefers full sun and dry to mesic soils. Easily grown by direct seeding in the spring or summer garden
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    Mid-season (95-110 days) variety for open ground. The plants grow 45-55 cm tall. Smooth, bright red fruits, weight 50-85 grams with an excellent taste.
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    Biennial flowering plant, growth up to 15-25 cm (6-10 in.). Large flowers, diameter 6-7 cm (2.5 - 3 in.), red with a black spot in the center. Bloom in the second year from spring to autumn. Can be transplanted even during blooming.
  • The annual flowering plant grows 20-30 cm tall. Spreading bushes with terry, brown-red flowers, diameter 4-7 cm with a yellow center. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flower beds, containers, and garden vases.  
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    Matures in 67 daysVery sweet, round, plump pods that withstand heat. Cascadia is good in the summer heat and tends to produce a larger plump pod with a sweeter taste than other summer types.  Cascadia produces 7 cm medium-green pods on strong 60 cm plants.  Cascadia peas are resistant to the enation virus and powdery mildew, so they are good candidates for later sowings and fall harvest. Sow as late as July and early August, and you may get a crop as late as October.
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    Perennial grows to 70 cm. Popular for culinary use. Dries very well retaining its colour and aroma. Has spiky mauve flowers and grey-green velvety leaves. Ceres has a higher content of essential oils than generic sage.

  • Chabauds Giant Carnation is a half-hardy biennial prized for its long bloom season. Large flowers with lovely spicy, clove-like fragrance bloom in many shades of crimson, red, rose, pink, yellow, and white. Carnations grown in groups make a striking attraction in gardens. For early blooms, start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost.  Thin or transplant when 15-25 cm tall. This tender perennial can overwinter in milder climates. To overwinter in Zone 3b to 4a cover with a thick layer of mulch but remove mulch in early spring. One of the garden favourites-Chabauds Giant Carnation does not readily self-sow. Harvest early spent blossom head by cutting stem near the ground and hang dry with a paper bag tied around the stem to catch seeds that may drop.
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    Early (82 days) heirloom cherry variety. Determinate (bush) tomato. Small, dark pink tomatoes, weigh 15 grams. Resistant to cracking.  
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    Tiny blue flowers are an iconic addition to any garden. Although not a ‘true’ forget-me-not, this species has very similar flowers. This easy-to-grow annual blooms just weeks after planting and grows in almost any sunny spot. Chinese Forget-Me-Not attracts bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden and makes for gorgeous cut flowers.  Self-seeding annual.
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