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    Perennial flowering plant grows 100-150cm (40-60in.) tall. Pearl-white flowers collected in pyramidal shape on the peduncle. Blooms in the second year from June to July. Use for group plantings, borders and cutting, looks very impressive in flower bouquets.
  • Perennial, grows in compact bushes, 15-25 cm tall. Cup-shaped, large, white flowers, diameter 3-5 cm. Blooms in the second year from June to October. Grows in one place for 3-4 years. Use for borders, flowerbeds, and alpine hills.
  • Perennial flowering plant with erect stems, growth up to 50-80 cm Cup-shaped, white and blue flowers, diameter 2-3 cm collected in loose brushes. Excellent growing in full sun and partial shade.
  • Perennial, frost-resistant flowering plant, grows 30-60cm tall. Bell-shaped, white and blue-violet flowers. Grows well in full sun and full shade. Use for flower beds, lawns, and cuttings.
  • The perennial flowering plant grows as a compact bush 15-25cm tall. Cup-shaped, large, blue Flowers, diameter 3-5cm. Blooms in the second year from June until October. Grows for 3-4 years at the same place.
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