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    Ultra early and one of the sweetest melon varieties. The fruit is oval-round, yellow-orange in color, and weighs 1.5-2kg.  The thick white flesh is tender, sweet, and aromatic.  This variety is valued for its good disease resistance and shipping qualities.
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    Late variety, Spanish selection. Large, elliptical fruits, dark green, covered with large grooves. Weight 2-3 kg. White or white-green flesh, very sweet and juicy with an excellent flavor. Good resistance to diseases. Ability to increase sugar content during long-term storage (more than 3 months).
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    Early variety (68-75 days). The fruits are round, orange colour, weigh 1.5-1.8 kg  Pulp white, dense, thick, crispy, tender, and very sweet with a strong aroma. The variety is resistant to disease. Use fresh
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    Mid-season variety. Growing period 75-95 days. Fruits are oval, with a length of 14-16cm, weight 2-2.5 kg. The flesh is white, juicy, with a flavourful taste like pineapple.
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    Early variety (66-72 days). Round-oval, yellow fruits with a full grid, weight 2.6-2.8 kg. White, juicy, sweet flesh with an excellent taste.
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    Early (65-75 days) open-pollinated variety. Beautiful, oval melons, weight 2-2.5 kg with thick flesh, sweet and slightly spicy with a wonderful pear aroma. In warm climates, the variety is one of the sweetest, comparable to Asian melons.
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    Mid-season (80-90 days) open-pollinated variety. Long, oval, bright yellow melon, slightly wrinkled, weight 2-2.5kg. Delicate, sweet flesh with an excellent, cantaloupe-like taste. Suitable for long-term (winter) storage.
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    Early (65-75 days) open-pollinated variety for hot, dry climates. Oval melons with a dense mesh, weight 2-3 kg. Creamy, white flesh with a fruity aroma and tropical notes of coconut and pineapple. High sugar content
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    Early variety (68-70 days). Fruits are oval, yellow color, weight 1.2-2.6 kg. Pulp white, dense, thick, crispy, tender, and sweet with a strong aroma. The variety is resistant to disease. Use fresh.
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    One of the best mid-season (74-96 days) Russian heirloom variety. Round-oval, yellow melons with a slid mesh, weight 1.5-3kg. Creamy, crispy, tender, and juicy pulp with an excellent taste. Good transportability and excellent taste. Resistant to cracking and powdery mildew.
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    Early (60-65 days), high-yielding, Ukrainian heirloom variety for greenhouses. Oval, lemon-yellow fruits with a fine mesh, weight up to 3 kg. White, fragrant, sweet flesh with thin skin. Resistant against powdery mildew and bacteriosis.
  • These small 3 to 4 inch round melons are very sweet with high sugar content. Oriental varieties open a whole new dimension to melons as they are amazingly different. Crisp and crunchy­; they have edible skins. Their small size and light, golden rind make them very attractive. This fine Japanese variety was developed by Sakata’s Seed Co., of Yokohama. This is a must for marketing. They are in high demand by melon lovers and command top prices! Rare and colorful.
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