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    These tasty and fast-growing heirloom radishes are round to globe-shaped and a brilliant cherry- red in color. They are renowned for their juicy, tender-crisp mild flesh and adaptability to a wide variety of conditions. Sow the fast-growing seeds in, wherever you have a little space as they’ll be ready in no time. Enjoy these as fresh snacks and slice into salads. About the size of a small apple, they're great snacks for everyone.  
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    Early, organic, round red radish.

    Roots are bright red, smooth, and uniform with good flavor. Best for spring and fall plantings. Crops sown in hot weather tend to produce roots that are less uniform and become pithy earlier than hybrids.

    Try leaving some to grow seed pods which are delicious in salads or save your seeds for future plantings. Radishes thrive in very loose rich soil, plenty of water, and best grown in cooler weather.  
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    A very popular mild flavoured Japanese radish that resembles a large white carrot. Crisp, tender roots average 20 cm in length and 7 cm in diameter. The vitamin-rich roots are superb when eaten raw, sliced in salads, or peeled and diced for soups and stews. Try leaving some to grow seed pods which are delicious in salads or save your seeds for future plantings. Radishes thrive in very loose rich soil, plenty of water, and best grown in cooler weather.  
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