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    Single daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, or white completely cover the 75 cm high bushy plants from May through June. Gorgeous spring and summer colour in sun or partial shade. Invaluable for cutting, cut as soon as colour shows. If cutting for dried flowers harvest immediately after bloom opens.  Avoid high fertility. Moist, well-drained soil is best–try raised beds or containers if your soil is heavy. Hardy to Zone 5 with protection. These daisies often self-seed and  interestingly, direct sown or self-sown established plants are hardier than transplants.
  • Painted daisies are not your average daisy! Painted Daisy Seeds produce 3-inch flowers in bright shades of yellow, red, and white which have rings around the center in mahogany, orange, scarlet, or rust. The unique Painted Daisies are sure to impress all who visit your garden or stroll through your wildflower meadow
  • Livingstone daisies have flat, succulent leaves up to 10 cm long, with the plants hugging the ground. Flowers have dark centers and are colored pink, white, purple, lavender, crimson, or orange. Plants grow up to 20 cm high and spread to 30 cm wide. The flowers close at night and on cloudy days. Extremely drought and heat-tolerant. Propagating Livingstone daisy: By seed. Sow seeds indoors 10 weeks prior to the last frost date. Seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days at 16 C In frost-free locations, they can be seeded directly into the garden and thinned to the proper spacing. They will reseed, although the colours will not be the same in following years. Uses for Livingstone daisy: These are ideal plants for mass plantings. They're wonderful sunny ground covers. Plant them in rock gardens; they are especially beautiful on slopes and hillsides. They're among the best plants for seaside locations.
  • This highly variable Chrysanthemum is an annual that is native to North Africa. Also known as Tricolor Daisies, Painted Daisies add a colourful splash. Grow directly in the garden or in containers. They look amazing in mass plantings. The petals range from bright white to deep crimson and are always banded by concentric circles of alternate colours as a guide to passing pollinators. The plants usually grow 35-45 cm tall.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up 20-30 cm. Beautiful blue, white, pink, and purple flowers, diameter 3-4 cm. Blooming from June until autumn. Likes open, sunny areas and slightly dry soil. Use for flower beds, borders as well as in pots.
  • Annual, plant grows 50-70 cm tall. Large, orange, and white flowers, diameter 6-10 cm with a purple-brown center. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, pots, and cuttings.

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