• Annual flowering plant grows up to 60 cm tall. Large, thick, bright red inflorescences. Blooms from early July to the first frost. Suitable for indoor growing. Use for borders and cuttings.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 80 cm tall. Light-loving, quite drought-resistant, blooms from June to the first frost. Use for flower gardens, cuttings as well as indoor in pots.
  • Annual flowering plant grows 80-120 cm high. Beautiful white, pink, and purple colored flowers. Blooms from July to September. Use for flowerbeds, borders, and group plantings.
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 20-30 cm in height. Beautiful, yellow flowers 1.5 -2 cm. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 20-30 cm in height. Beautiful, white flowers 1.5 -2 cm. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
  • Annual, cold-resistant flowering plant. The compact, branchy bush grows 40-60 cm in height. Beautiful, white double flowers with a yellow center. Prefers sunny or slightly shaded places. Use for flower beds, curbs, and containers.  
  • Annual flowering plant grows up 20-30 cm. Beautiful blue, white, pink, and purple flowers, diameter 3-4 cm. Blooming from June until autumn. Likes open, sunny areas and slightly dry soil. Use for flower beds, borders as well as in pots.
  • Annual, plant grows 50-70 cm tall. Large, orange, and white flowers, diameter 6-10 cm with a purple-brown center. Blooms from June until frost. Use for flowerbeds, pots, and cuttings.

  • Annual flowering plant. Bush growth pyramidal up to 60-80 cm high. Beautiful pink flowers with an irregular shape. Blooming from June until frost. Use for flower beds, group plantings, and cuttings.
  • Livingstone daisies have flat, succulent leaves up to 10 cm long, with the plants hugging the ground. Flowers have dark centers and are colored pink, white, purple, lavender, crimson, or orange. Plants grow up to 20 cm high and spread to 30 cm wide. The flowers close at night and on cloudy days. Extremely drought and heat-tolerant. Propagating Livingstone daisy: By seed. Sow seeds indoors 10 weeks prior to the last frost date. Seeds germinate in 7 to 14 days at 16 C In frost-free locations, they can be seeded directly into the garden and thinned to the proper spacing. They will reseed, although the colours will not be the same in following years. Uses for Livingstone daisy: These are ideal plants for mass plantings. They're wonderful sunny ground covers. Plant them in rock gardens; they are especially beautiful on slopes and hillsides. They're among the best plants for seaside locations.
  • Perennial: Large 20 cm blooms in red, pink, mauve, salmon, white, and red with black centers. Expect up to twenty flowers per plant, followed by attractive seed pods from which seeds can easily be harvested. Pizzicato oriental poppy seeds are best direct sown in fall or mid-winter, and grow to a height of 50 cm. The flowers appear on stiff stems that stand up well in windy areas. This Oriental poppy mix blooms in June and July, after spring bulbs have faded, but before the arrival of summer flowers. After flowering, seed heads dry and the foliage fades away entirely, returning with autumn rains. This poppy is a good choice for xeriscaping, and it's deer resistant. Greenhouse: The seed requires darkness and a minimum 24 C soil temp. for proper germination. Since seedlings are hard to transplant, sow in peat pots and place them in a flat. Cover seed flat with black plastic or heavy paper. Seed germinates in about 10 days at 60 - 80%. Grow seedlings at 29 C days and l6°C - nights. Do not use cold water on seedlings. Cut all poppies in the bud, dip stems in boiling water for a few seconds to promote full bloom. Direct Sowing: Sow seed in July in warm soil. Do not try to transplant seedlings. Plants are quite hardy and bloom in early June next spring.
  • Annual flowering plant grows up to 30-80 cm. Beautiful red double flowers, diameter 3-4 cm Blooms from June until frost. Use for group plantings and flower beds. Common Name-Cornflower Bachelor's Button
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